Questing for Nobs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BrokenWarrior, May 16, 2013.

  1. Hey, the average inchworm here with a topic to discuss. The topic is Quests, but before you moan and groan, no this is not about a quest for spies! Or more quests! I am just curious about nobility an crystal drop rates and strategies that some use. For example, is a certain quest found to drop more nobs that others? Or does skimming quests provide better results over full baring? Any tips would be appreciated!
  2. there is an old guide on this somewhere. 2 of them actually. they are entirely up to date though. because quests are out of date.
  3. In my extensive questing lol. I have found it is completely random and stays along the normal rate overall. I have done 150 hits without a nob and also done one FB and Rec 4 of them nothing I found favors more or better odds:)
  4. Nob is .88 or setting around there. Xtal drop rate is 0.01%. So good luck. :lol:
  5. Lol thanks, does hitting the same quest help?
  6. Hit the first quest. Every 100 hits you will get. Nobility point as an average.
  7. I agree with wtf. If you have all of the quests completed, hit the first quest. I quested for a bit and got 4 nob and 0 xtal from 200 quests.
  8. lol I got 20 nobs from quests
  9. .02 percent.
    All same
    Full bar
  10. If you plan on running FB on quests for nobs then may as well try and make as much gold also....easiest quest pays crap...I usually go with the highest quest that says "normal" for difficulty.... Then keep moving down quests on normal until out. Seems nominal, But it all adds up over time:). In a game of outrageous build, pot and ally cost every little penny helps
  11. 140 nobs so far.

    Just happened, pinning troops during long OSW's.
  12. Pretty sure

    Crystal: 0.01%
    Nob: 0.81 (or 91?)%

    That was from memory. And mine sucks, though pretty accurate
  13. Quest 3 has the best drop rate
  14. I personally go with "To catch a thief". I've got 54 nobs from that quest. If im lucky, i'll get 2 in one unload. One in an unload though is my usual lucky streak though; and yes, i find doing the same quest better.

    Even got a crystal once even after completion... Took a screen shot of it, i was so proud lol. Don't know how to post those, though. Anway, happy nobility farming.
  15. I got a xtral while questing for nobs…
    Just thought I'll throw that in there...
  16. The 3rd quest seems most sucessfull droping a nob or two every other bar