Qualifying Wars For ASW

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Z____Ratistiss____Z, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. I Suggest Holding Qualifying Wars For ASW, Something like top 50 Players From Six Qualifying Wars, Will be in ASW.
  2. That's actually not a bad Idea.
    I do like it
  3. There needs to be more than 50... and if we DO have qualifiers the devs need to let weaker players like me join, not just giant eb noobs
  4. Hmm, I agree with metal. Not a bad idea. Would help get rid of the eb players and inactives.
  5. I agree. So that only the ppl who KNOW how to war can get in.

    Complete support! :D
  6. Botan, that is silly as in an osw you would be crushed
  7. Great idea! Be sure to feedback devs and give reasons as to why it's good, for them to.
  8. Sorry asw* so used to typing osw
  9. Not the most pretty or set-out idea I've seen, but hey? It's practical and actually a good idea...

  10. If you like the idea, Pls write Devs. I am trying to get more ppl to help push the idea
  11. Wow... a good idea. Holy crap... I never thought it would happen. Someone has a good idea for the ASW.

    Props to you, props to you. 
  12. I support this all the way,even tho I won't even get to be in the asw for a long time.
  13. I agree. There should be some kind of qualifying rounds. That would ensure that serious players get into ASW instead of players just wanting an achievement. Please support this idea and pm or email the devs
  14. It's a great idea. It avoids the cluster **** that happened in ASW2012. Support
  15. This is a really good idea! It helps to sort out the people who know how to fight from noobs who are this for the badge. Support!
  16. Support. First know how to war before joining a major war event. Good idea OP  only problem is not totally screw a TZ... Hard to find a time fit for all TZ's, since qualifiers would just be 1 round?
  17. Pretty sound idea would help hansel builds more as our bfa helps us out more whereas atk builds based on stats think this should be taken into consideration for nex asw
  18. @Harry good point, but since a lot of actual "all-stars" have quit kaw, there's BOUND to be a few noobs to go after :lol:
  19. Reasonable, but in war plunder is as much important as stopping other side from getting plunder. The qualifying wars could show attempts, success, and incoming.