The issue with this is you stop making "max plunder" long before the break-even point in combined stats. Also, Epic Battles are designed to pay more than Plunder Wars, and thus have a higher rate of income. What you could argue is What pays more: Max OSF for your stats, or EB for your stats??
Alright, have you done a comparison comparing equal activity on both sides? A large myth about EBs is you have to be much more active to make better income, but that can only be argued if the complaint is there are more windows to navigate. By activity, I mean actions.
You lose less troops a hit with EB, resulting in about a 2 hit extra income. If you get the items as well...
Round, are you arguing that since a T2-3 player isn't making as much as an HLT3/T4 player is, that pwars are better?
You get a boosted ammount. With 0 pots, hitting for 20m would make you about 30-35. 1 item earns 40m on it
Like Cor said, activity is key. I'm a small player due to my extended year vacation from this game so eb was new to me. I did one and received an ok amount (6mil or so) for a win and about 300 mil as a reward at the end. I received about 10 mil a hit from osf but paid about 2 to wartax. I figured pwar was the way to go. Recently I have had time (today) to play more and I did the same eb (my stats are the same for all occasions discussed) and at the end receive a billion gold. It was bc I attacked more and assassinated. I did like 5-6 eb today and received 800,500,400,900mil and varius amounts of plunder earned. So IMO it depends on the size of the kingdom and the amount the player contributes to playing. On an eb that the whole clan is playing I don't get much 3-500 mil at the end. When it's just me and 1-3 other players I get about a bil.
Wait, the money you spend on pots gets refunded? So it wouldn't be a waste spending 500mil on pots during an epic battle?
Great. Haven't done an EB with my upgraded stats yet. But under previous stats I make 850m per full unload against an OSF/OAF Combo. But in EB I earn 1.3b per full unload not doing any item stage. Thus for me an EB is King But when I cannot be really active. You can just about forget about EB, cos the bonus plus hits suck major
@Ender and Co. : While you make less when more people are active/you have less successful hits, because you have more active players you can do / repeat the EB for more gold. The focus is gold per time, not gold per battle vs gold per war.
At Cor true. But slightly untrue in my case. I don't ever fail. I don't do Haunting or anything I'm a puny kingdom ATM. If I do fail it's bc I do a quick burn and go back to work and it's only last 2 hits. I usually attack and spy until I'm at 75% then almost regen completely, repeat repeat repeat.
Eb dominates pw hands down but in the same instance u lose gold faster as u get over a certain amount of allies. Every ally I buy I lose gold n an eb usually by like 5-10k per hit. But I will still avg 2-3b per hr doing the haunting where I make 1-1.5b per hr doing pw. So yes epics r better than a bc osf
At my level, haunting pays better, and I mean with was said before, I think it all depends on stats