PvP: The Hour Is Upon Us

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Whiskey_Throttle, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. It seems as if some of the community feels like we are not playing the game to the fullest. Im refering to PvP, a seemingly forgotten aspect of KaW by the majority of the community. It gets pushed back and tossed aside by devs to work on other items in their agenda.

    Here is my Idea:
    -- We, as a community, decide a time of day that BL hits will be made. From that time hits from each player to each player that are made will not be considered farming but only for an hour. Deciding a time will be difficult with TZ variation. I would like to use Universal Standard Time as the timer. And have it at 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, or 00:00 UST

    create some kind of reward that may drop duing this hour during PvP actions only. Random of course. Maybe aqua, inferno, BB, Pots, banner items, relic items, mithril, you get the point im sure.
  2. 2 no's already LOL I just posted this thread
  3. No just farm someone I don't have to have the devs tell u it's ok.
  4. *looks at OP's losses*

    What da heyull gives u the right to talk about PvP? You probably never even hit anyone outside goddam EE
  5. You know you can just hit people... Because you want to o_O sure it'd be nice to get a reward but all good things come with sacrifice so im happy burning monehz for fun >:)
  6. I dont pvp.. it pays crap and has no rewards. Therefore is not efficient for my accounts growth. Only pvp I do is while in EE or if im on during a war im not in.
  7. ee is pvp but its gay farm someone from wc
  8. It's all fun and games till you hit some clans bank, then the real fun starts!!!
  9. No just hit people anyway
  10. No support
  11. *
    Yes this idea is a homosexual

    his exactwords may not of been used but this is my take on the general gist
  12. Support, this idea seems like a fun idea and would give the newer players a taste of Old Style KaW, Spragga knows we need this.

  13. I wont ever happen because of HTE. The PvP killah !
  14. This idea is bad compared to all others on offer