PvP steals profitable?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. I played long time ago and use to get lots more stealing from players in the "battle list". I remember reading somewhere that the amount stolen was reduced from something like 3% (maybe it was .3%) to under 1 or .1%

    Given I lose a ton more troops stealing 50m from a player than assa EB's it seems steals from other players (outside of war) is very unprofitable.

    So my question is, how can I be profitable stealing from other players? Is it just a matter of finding a player thats loaded or am I missing something else
  2. I still find it can be profitable. I can't tell any more about methods. But choosing targets at different CS and activity levels are Key ;)
  3. Stealing is not for profit.
  4. I beg to differ, if I'm sending my ninja spies into your camp, trying to avoid the drunken villager stumbling home from the tavern, and even if I succeed im not getting those bad boys back, I expect to be heavily rewarded.
    Some might say that if those warriors of the night aren't returning then I shouldn't get anything, cos how are they getting the gold back home? I like to think it's fairies riding on the backs of zebracorns, but I might be wrong 
  5. Expecting something you're not promised or owed is your problem. Stealing and attacking are more for the fun of pvp and dealing damage, epic battles are for rewards.
    That's not saying you can't get rewarded nicely by a few targets you stumble across.
  6. Did your mother not teach you about humour numb nuts?
  7. It's possible to be funny while being serious. I wasn't sure if you really meant you expected a good reward, especially considering we're communicating via text and not voice, numb nuts.
  8. The only way to steal for profit is to be a Hansel, steal from a larger target, and only skim for maximum effect.
  9. @Fruity, Diab_Demise was talking about fairies and zebracorns...
    Not sure how you can mistake that for being a legitimate complaint, 'fraid I'm going to have to agree that you do, in fact, lack a competent sense of humour.
  10. I do, I just don't assume things the way you do.
  11. It's ok, he wants to learn the hard way lol
  12. Stealing isn't profitable in PvP, Wars and even outside of PvP.

    Basically a waste of spies.
  13. That's cos you are weeny lol

  14. I searched around the battle list for players active in HTE clans and the most I could get is 40-50 mil while losing 75k spies out of 970~k. This is 3 times the amount I lose assassinating on an EB and hardly a fraction of the payout.

    Im not expecting huge payouts just for stealing random players in the battle list, hence Im not complaining here just wondering if there are ways to make the steal action more efficient in PvP by either losing less spies or increasing the profit.

    Is there a cap to the amount of gold taken per steal or is it just severely reduced? I ask because there is basically no variation on the amount of gold I take from any given player from a full bar. 50ish mil seems to be the most I can get. If this is the case then atleast I wont be wasting time trying to research steals
  15. No matter what my size is, it's not profitable, lol.
  16. If you want to profit from steals, you'll have to find someone much bigger than you, which is redundant because you won't succeed. Better off assa ebs.
  17. Just buy a seal and head into an hte clan, jumpstart your growth.