PVP Revival

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Skyj1LSA, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. It's time for kaw to revive its PVP aspect. This is not a task for the devs, as many of you seem to think, but a job for those of us who desire to see the growth of PVP and OsW. Some players suggest Pvp incentive, which is not the solution. So what can we do to help spread the aspect of the game that anyone still reading this with the hope of finding out the answer loves. It's not a simple task by any means, and it will take the combined efforts of many of us

    First we need to improve the image and reputation of PVP and OsW. That means whenever a thread about war is made, it should be one or the highest quality threads in active topics, no more letting idiots like smurf write illegible threads of senseless trash talk be the representation for our whole community. It means no more senseless trash talk to the extreme, trash talk is fine, but when half a clan is silenced during the first week of the war then they need to change how they act.
    Only if war and Pvp are respected will players begin to try it out on their own, since they have nothing to gain from it but fun and the bad image makes it look like no fun

    Second we need to change our attitudes, we are not superior to the other types of players. So what you and me can strip them, they make so much more gold then is daily that the 11 months they aren't a war they outpace us to the point we need new targets. Pvp players are the best at fighting. Eb players get the most gold. Ee players have the best equip/total stats. Each type of play has its strong suit so no one should be completely condescending to someone for choosing one besides theirs (continue to insult the idiots who think farming is a ban able offense though. Their beyond hope lol) war clans should stop acting like we're better then every other clan, especially to other war clans. The fact is were a small portion of kaw and at the rate were going we are not going to be able to do much soon. How many players threaten people with their clan or family name these days thinking that makes them better? How many clan owners see a new clan their fighting as a weak opponent because they run an experienced war clan, when in reality the new clan with the size and funds the established clan has may be an equal match. How many war clans are no longer even a war clan, simply using their name and reputation to grow fat on eb and ee. Until we fix the problems in our community we can't really grow to include others

    The third thing we need is to teach an spread Pvp. There are many ways you can do this. Events to encourage new farmers, picking newbs and teaching them the the way of war. Helping those guys who complain about being farmed in wc (by explaining not by hitting their assailant). Any other ideas you guys have can be used as well. The main thing is war does not have to be some scary experience that will ruin someone's kaw experience if they get involved early, it should be the fun gameplay that all of us older players remember. When we destroy a clan, help rebuild it, or tell them what hey did wrong. When we farm a guy, if they do well offer to take them under our wing. If everyone of us gets 1 new person into war a month then every year the war community grows 12 times its previous size, and that's no real challenge, but it has amazing pay offs for anyone not too afraid of losing their "elite" status and "glorious reputation".

    It's time for war to become a bigger part of kaw, and it's our job to do it, we can't rely on anyone else to do it for us. So if you like the Pvp aspect of the game, do your part to help this community thrive

    *as always I apologize for any errors. I do not apologize for lack of bb codes, we all know I don't use them*
  2. Come on please. Conflicts happen when conflicts happen. You can't revolutionise KaW, I think this is just a fantasy rather than reality.
  3. Not saying we need to make those happen. Saying we need more fighters. More fighters means more conflicts will come naturally

    And it's not that hard. Few days ago my friend huber grabbed a guy in wc playing adds and force taught him war ๎’last I heard on the subject the guy wants to try it out. Not everyone will work like that but who cares. The one guy is all we need since we all know one guy can start the biggest wars with no reason and that's where we have our fun

    I know some of my best friends here are the guys I fight with all the time and I know some of them started fighting only because I started a war while in their clan, that's months or years of fun I've had simply because I did something that I've done dozens of times.

    Obviously the idea of everyone fighting is a fantasy. The idea of anyone who's intrested in fighting fighting is a reality that is easily achievable
  4. Or we could all unite to take down eb clans. Take the game back for ourselves
  5. Enough with this pvp crap.

    There's server wars, EE wars, rancor equipment, mith equipment, OSW, 1v1.....

    There is A LOT of war in in this game. Stop pretending like there isn't.

    Hell probably more than half the player base was involved in OSW this past year, be it zaft, oG alliance, UC or WDGAF or one of the MANY other OSW that happened.
  6. Sure. But who do we count as a war clan. Ask WDGAF members and they'll insult OG members and say destroy. Ask OG and they'll say the same about WDGAF. Ask zaft or apoc or UC and you'll see more of not counting other families. Then you have the independent war clans who wouldn't agree to join any of them. Besides the fact that destroying all the eb clans (on the off chance we actually could) would hurt the game because it would lower player base size and devs income. Which is still counter productive to us.

    I'm not saying I don't love the idea of everyone jumping eb clans for fun. But it just isn't a valid solution
  7. Very well written, and you make some great points ๎€Ž
  8. Agreed.
  9. You two obviously don't understand the Pvp I'm talking about. I don't mean stuff like ee or system wars where the goal is to do well, I mean conflict where the goal is to hurt the enemy more they hurt you. That game style is no longer as prominent as it used to be, and is much smaller then system hitting or ebs. You two can complain and say we have all the Pvp we want. But for every eb out there we would need 2 lb clans having an osw to match the prominence (eb out there being each names eb counts once. So war beasts is 1 no matter how many are run)

    If you read the thread you'll notice ee is mentioned, and not included in Pvp. When you see some guy who has a perfect ee build strip someone on wc for sending an add at the wrong time, and the guy doesn't do osw, then tell me that counts as our style of Pvp. Till then understand that those are two different play styles
  10. We ARE talking about OS PvP.
  11. Read the post you just quoted. He lists 6 things. Only 2 of which fall into what I'm talking about. Server(system) wars and ee are specifically excluded. Rancor and mith equip come from we and are obviously unrelated to the topic.
  12. 3/3 assass on thread starter PVP revival ๎€
  13. Yeah I'm pretty sure I mentioned OSW in there and how big it is.

    And you have ways to hurt people during EE wars. Pissed off at a bad matchup you know you won't win? Pick a player on the other team and strip him. Seems like a viable tactic to me. It will scramble your opponent. Open up some gold on those hansels and really boost your war plunder.

    Why don't people strip during EE? Is there some sort of unwritten code? If you are so hell bent on "MOAR WAR" go the extra mile and really smash them during those EE wars. That will definitely start all the conflict you can dream of.
  14. Ops build looks like a great PVP build....
    End of sarcasm :p.
  15. Omega any build is a good pro build if its owner can play. I'm sure the fact I'm one of the only players not a pure spy is my osw clan attests to the fact that at bare minimum I keep up.

    And mentioning war in there shows the problem. War shouldn't be one of the things you mention. War should be THE thing, instead the orignal gameplay is now not even a main aspect of the game like ebs or ee, but something to be categorized after mith and rancor equipment. That shows that Pvp is not even remotely close to as big as It could be, and since ee players and eb players never complain about threads for more ebs or better match ups or equip questions it obviously isn't fair to complain about this

    As for stripping during ee. Well, I for one rarely do ee. My total since the first ones would be less then 20, and that's being generous. As for striping during EE. I've tried in two of those wars, result is a failed strip, which wasted my gold, and a bunch of people who complain but don't hit. As for "trashing the other guy if you get a bad match up" you're only doing it because you were provoked by a bad match up. Not because you feel like enjoying some fun. Anyone will hit someone if they feel they need to, not many will unload on that one guy off the bl or wc simply because his name was the one they clicked
  16. Pvp not pro in first sentence. My typo*
  17. i support. Nice thread. The thing that annoys me is when you hit some one and their clan mates start posting your wall.

    Talking to you like ****. Like you have done something wrong.

    Pvp does need a boost. The idea for currency i like. To obtain currency to buy equip. But i cant see it happening because the devs wont see potential.

    Although many xtstals are spent during pvp. Its time the devs stepped up and made kaw more exciting.
  18. It's Off system for a reason. The only thing the Devs can do, that wont result in controversy, is to increase plunder from each hit on another kingdom. That's something I'd love to see.
  19. A well written and thought out post, I don't know why you're receiving so much flak over it. I myself don't think pvp needs a revival, it never went anywhere, it just became largely untenable for those who didn't keep up with the ee/eb side of the game. Which sucks for those who have no interest in that, as they are left to pvp with the small/new players. Kaw has become a much more dynamic game, not to the enjoyment of many, but definitely to the masses. Players that just want good old fashioned pvp and nothing else are stuck between a rock and a hard place, as kaw has been progressing further and further from that at an ever quickening pace. I like where kaw is going and the dynamic environment it has created, I understand there are many who see it as just the opposite. The pvp is still here, and doing well IMO, just a lot more diverse and spread out for the many different types of player.