pvp fix

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *your_right_hand (01), May 12, 2015.

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  1. I have a couple people and a clan lined up but are looking for more.

    We will be farming hte clans none stop till the devs start to lose money from people not wenting to buy seals

    Our hope is that the devs will then take not to the fact that want in a fix is not just words.

    Just a small bit would be nice like a sword that gives x3 like hte most would not mind paying for it. Fixing the hit ranges I see no reason a 30m cs can hit a 15m cs . Better war times for all not just UK n USA. War Cristals like they said

    I don't see how u guys can get away with saying #1pvp game in Ap store n only work on promos n posters

    So if your wanting to help n bring down the pve monster this game is coming to then fallow
  2. Duplicate post, locking
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