PVP Event - Too Friendly?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by cactusbread, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Well 1/2 of another remix of the same ole event is in the history books. And I must say, in hindsight, it was pretty dissapointing. Not due to rewards or the grind against the ticking clock, but due to the lack of rage amongst opted players. I didnt have a single wall post the whole event. In fact, most of the success in the pvp event came from clans who had "friendly hansels" that would go osf for xtal runs and loads and loads of drops. Now i won't be a hypocrite and say this wasn't a great strategy and a friendly gesture for those that went open pure spies, because i benefitted from the exact same tactics and good will.

    But looking back, that isn't the spirit of PvP. That isnt the spirit of raiding and looting some enemy kingdom. Its not this spirit of victory and defeat. There was no rage posts on walls. No threats of OSW or becoming a perm farm. Might have got a few returned hits if you were lucky.

    My thoughtS are thay if Devs made events a little less of a money grab and made the goals more achievable to players, that the kawmunity might not look for short cuts and loopholes and play the game in the spirit that it should be. That this would be a war game instead of what it is.

    Now dont get me wrong, I stil enjoyed the event. But let's be honest... It wasnt PvP.
  2. They opted in knowing they would get hit... You didn't get raging newbs because they were busy doing the end portion.
  3. Thank you Cobra for that miraculous revelation.
  4. I opted in and whacked at both players half my size and double my size. Farmed and got farmed etc. it was fun.
  5. no support noob  your old ppl dnt pvp like back in your day  <3 love ya spikey!
  6. I like turtles
  7. Omg cobra is a genius ... Lock thread?
    Anyways I agree, I lost interest after the first day as IMHO and experience it only became real PvP (back and forth hits) if the opponent was twice my size. Seems most were just looking for easy rewards.
  8. I honestly think closing the gap in hit range would make these type of events more enjoyable.
  9. But of course huge pay to play ppl will say otherwise, ...que haters ...aaaannnddd go!
  10. "the spirit of pvp" is an opinion in your head of how YOU see it should be. I enjoyed myself even for the very little I did pvp. In general my opinion PvP is too easy on KaW because my brain is wired for simple things like so. I don't think you should attempt to speak for others either.

    If you want that spirit of OSW and rage posts how about you strip farm I hear that is very popular to make people mad. You can even start with me if you want.

    Also don't insult others on your thread it is disrespectful and in my opinion you should hold respect to everyone in an online community, mod or not.
  11. The pvp event is a joke. Basically ppl farm their osf alts. Pwar.
  12. If that's what they want to do let them. That is their enjoyment do something to yours.
  13. I'm not looking for some solution to my enjoyment of the game. I'm just stating my opinion on this aspect. I enjoy hearinf other peoples opinions, but stating the obvious is usually responded to with some form of insult, jokingly or not.
  14. I dont know what you're talking about

    I had plenty of fun fighting with ragers and other PvP-addicted players. If you want to see massive amounts of rage on your wall so it can please you, make an alt and farm people who opt it. I did it with my alt(100 elixir=free equip) And got plentiful rage and "unfriendly mom jokes"
  15. You were only in it for the unfriendly mom jokes, weren't you?
  16. There are friendly mom jokes?
  17. If pvp event was not pvp what was it...
    Riddle me this
  18. You obviously didn't realize it, he had to do it for you. Don't be a smartass if you can't be smart. That's being a dumbass. But i think that word is filtered.
  19. Yes ashes.
    Although they may only be made in reference to Stifler's mom.
    That american pie reference tho