PVP event post mortem (Orisons of Glory, Chapter 8)

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by DirtyAnimal, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. PVP event post mortem (Orisons of Glory, Chapter 8)

    First of all devs, thank you for trying something new.

    Pvp event was an interesting idea and I think it worked for the most part. It was exciting. It re-introduced me to the kaw I love. The rewards were a great incentive to stick it out and stay active. I made new 'friends.' And most importantly, new people were introduced to pvp.

    This is a long read. If you can't read more than 50 words at a time, this post isn't for you. I'm going to unload on the first person that writes tl;dr. Then I'm going to destroy your level 4 castle. :lol: Hopefully the person taking me up on the offer is in my hit range.

    There was a lot that was good about the event, but for the purposes of this thread, I'm going to focus on areas for improvement, saving the worst for last. I'm know some of this has already been said, but hopefully this review adds some spice to the group conversation.

    The not so good
    Battle list--I'd like to see the battle list for pvp players populate with only other opted in players. There were times when the search for a new target took a lot of trial and error. On a few occasions, I had to click on 6-7 different profiles to finally find one without a ribbon. Having it take so long to find a viable target can be costly if you're not hitting from pin.

    Also, the event needs to be shorter. I'd say 3-5 days max. I'm exhausted.

    *Honorable mention--the haters: Why do I have to opt out? Why am I being punished for playing the way I like? Seriously? If opting out is that difficult or inconvenient, you should be playing twister with your grandma. Also, you are not being punished for not doing pvp. Pvp players are being rewarded for putting in the extra time and effort to engage in pvp. Get a grip already.

    The somewhat bad
    I liked the spells--their intent anyway--but I think most would benefit from some tweaks.

    Capricious Blessing--at first, i was getting random favors for successful hits, but later in the event, I wasn't getting anything--for hours. Did anyone else experience this? :idea: Adding item drops (circle pieces, talons, bars) might be another way to incentivize players to use this spell more.

    Field of Hindrance--this is the spell I used most. I found it to be a great deterrent. When I saw this spell, I moved on to other targets. :idea: To make things more interesting, how about making the spell degrade for each hit taken? That would make myself and others more likely to hit a player with the hindrance spell, and it would give an added payoff: eventually having a target pay out in full. i.e.: I fb ass a target, then go in for the atk and get more than I would have otherwise.

    Swiftshadow Fate--I liked this spell at first, but the luster wore off quickly. I was hitting crummy targets, so I didn't see much of a doubling benefit. BUT--I would like to see this spell ramped up, similar to Field of Hindrance. :idea: How about after each successful hit, you'd get a multiplier to the favors you've stolen. This would have the obvious benefit of people sitting on one target and farming them, but it would also have a reciprocal effect: the farmee (yes, I'm making words up) would have to hit back to break the spell and subsequently get the attacker off their back.

    Touch of Fate--I didn't use this one, but it seemed like folks were having fun with it.

    Greater Fateblock Shield--Don't change a thing. I love that it is balanced, allows one to actually sleep, and that it is a two-step cast.

    The truly awful
    Mechanics aside (why can builds 3x my size atk/stl me?), I was consistently frustrated by the lack of payout I was seeing. I know I should have found better targets, but I would get hit for a 1500 favor loss, then hit back and get 30 in return. It made no sense to me--there was absolutely no way for me to get my favors back.

    I understand that you (devs) are trying to create a playing environment where favors are not created out of thin air (outside of ebs), so you have made it so that people lose an amount of favors in proportion to what they have and that attackers gain the amount that is lost. Makes sense. But people need to be able to get their favors back. On a few occasions, folks ran fbs at me and took thousands of favors. I hit back several times (in one instance doing a 5x rage xstal) and got less than 5% back.This frustrated me to the point that I just mostly pinned on ebs the last two days of the event.

    :idea: I have an idea on how to make this more equitable, though I have no idea how you'd make it happen on the development side. If someone hits me for a bundle, I'd have a specific amount of time to steal a certain percentage of my favors back (only for that attacker). This would add a little 'justice' to pvp and would also add some opportunity for tempers to flare and have pvp spill out beyond the event :) Sounds fun to me!

    One other thing I noticed. I seemed to have a better hit:favor ratio when hitting weaker builds. Likewise, I noticed that when being hit, the bigger builds had a better hit:favor ratio. In other words, when hitting a weaker build, one seems to have a better chance of stealing favors when hitting successfully. Did anyone else notice this?

    That's all I have to say right now. Thanks again Devs. I love this direction and I think I'm going to enjoy watching it evolve.
  2. :lol: that was fast.
  3. 1. I personally went for people wtih the field of hinderance spell , it meant they had a lot to lose so they wanted to protect it

    2. You gotta look for targets that pay well, if i hit someone and they gave me less than 100 items i would move on immediately, target hte/zta clans, ppl doing zta trains etc.

    I had payouts of over 3k items
  4. I hated the fact that drops were random. I would have much preferred a smaller, but consistent amount of favors dropped with each successful attack
  5. :cry:

    I touched the refresh button. And I liked it.
  6. Good points. I hadn't thought of the flip side for the Hinderance spell. But it makes total sense.

    As for doing a better job looking for targets, I definitely need to do a better job next time. Thanks for the tips ;)