Is anyone else annoyed with how people can hit you from pin but you cant return hits because they are "too weak" If they are too weak why cant they hit me wtf. I feel as if devs should remove DTW when the pvp spell is active. Im sure it would make the majority of us Pvp'ers happy, would make finding targets easier, would make returning hits possible instead of us getting annoyed while trying to use troops but not being able to hit anyone/return hits while 3 people pin on you. Anyways, this is just a rant/Idea for devs. Support is appreciated; Btw. I'm open for attacks. Hit away!!
Oh jeez, you must be new here or something.. That's okay, I remember my first time.. Keep up the great work, you're doing awesome
No support. hit someone else meanwhile and return later. I'm not really bothered much for this situation, anyway.
First of all it's called as fighting from pin. Also you should know your build mechanics then you wouldn't have this problem. ~CHAOS
How would knowing your build mechanics not give you this problem? the other person is DTW because they self pinned, or are banked gold or for whatever reason, YOUR build has nothing to do with THEM being dtw.. You serious?
Re: A thread no one cares about. Bad idea. Let's make a few brand new alts and fail hit a BC build with them into constant pin... The hit range is wide enough tbh, I can hit a BC build as it is and I'm 1/6 or maybe 1/7 the size lmao