Pvp blitz help

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by KingBrex, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. When I go to battle, all I find are twinked super-ally buffed kingdoms. How do I search for people I can actually battle? Refreshing the list doesn't do anything.
  2. Make a list (paper / copy & paste in excel) of the names of people in BL and WC that you can hit successfully.

    Then wait.

    They can't stay mithed & or dtw forever. Attack. Use pots if necessary.

    BL is only players that have recently logged in / currently active. But in a couple hours....

    Once you get your rythm, fine tune your list for people who pay the most, who have a wand, who have the opposite cursed spell status as you.

    Happy hunting.
  3. Ty, that surely helps but when every person on the battle list is tougher, stronger,farmier, too weak to attack, big allies, and farmier it doesn't make any sense.
  4. Some tips for easy pvp:

    1. Sit on to attk open ps and steal non-towered attk building;

    2. Fix your stats: bfe+bfa+towers > cs, then easy to find juicy targets from your bl

    3. Ask a friend that 30% to 50% of your size, hit ppls on his bl
  5. Thanks that's dirty but shall work