Hi! For mixed buildings is it better to Assassinate and attack or just attacking and avoid using spies to get the max $?? N
Assassinations give so much money at the end it is insanity. Use your spies. Pure spies can do everything here, pure troops can not.
Has anyone figured out what the formula is for converted ratio on attacks, assassinations, scouts, item use and such?
The formula is harder to figure out... Especially since I don't clan quest that much xD. If people want to figure it out, you need to take the same person and only use him for one action during one stage. From the haunting it seems like: Items > assass > attacks (for reward) And that makes total sense .
Oh, and you can't upgrade him either. The pay out per action depends on stats in comparison to the quest. I'm not 100% sure, but different phases may pay more.
If someone actually wants to do this I can put up my excel tables . I did find out that the number of troops you kill per action is NOT factored into your reward, only the number and type (and possibly phase it's done on) is. What I am super curious to find out is if the time the quest is completed in is factored into your reward. If it's not, then there's no point to rushing a clan quest.
Oh and while I'm typing while I think (lol!) be sure to calculate the amount based on the spies used- steal uses a significantly larger number of spies than assassinate does, so even if steal does pay slightly better, it still may not be worth it.
Here's how I would test it: First, it's best if you can have more than one person or account doing this, because you can test different things at the same time. The way this works is that you do one clan quest, record the data, then do another and compare. The first variable that needs to be tested is if time is factored into the reward. Take 1 account, make 10 steals in the first clan quest during the first phase, and no actions afterwards. For the next clan quest do the same thing. If the reward is different it could be: 1) time is a factor 2) another variable is: a. Number of total hits made by clan (I did not test this long enough for a conclusive rate, but it seems not to change anything) b. Plunder gained c. Unknown Since this example is about assass vs steal only, I'll just say (for now) that time is not a factor. 2. Have one account steal 10 times in the first phase and then nothing afterwards. Next clan quest do 10 steals. If one comes out higher than another, you have your answer. 3. Have one account assass 10 times in phase one and do nothing afterwards. Next clan quest do it in phase 2. If there's a change, we know that phase is a factor. 4. Have one account steal in phase 1 ten times, do nothing, and in the next clan quest throw 10 items. Anyways, once we figure out that part we can figure out a formula. Keep in mind that for each section it has to be the SAME account with the same stats/allies each time. If there's a bonus reward for completion it's easy to figure out the formula for that too .
Ok I did a little test a week or so ago that answers some but not all of the questions here. My clanmates and I took 4 accounts to another clan (2 hansels, and 2 attk heavy with some spies) and repeated the same battle twice, the first time useing only attks, and the second time, just assass. All 4 accounts hit 2 X 5 (3 X 5 for assass) so they all did similar numbers of actions. The one where we attked made a bit more gold overall then the assass one, it would seem to me that the difference is roughly the amount of plunder generated by each attk at the time that the attk was made, and that the "reward" pool at the end was pretty much the same either way. So therefore it seems to me that as far as reward is concerned attk and assass count roughtly the same. So in theory if you want to absolutly maximise the money your clan makes in 1 particular Ebattle, then everyone in the clan should only attk, however this does not take into account the fact that useing your spies to assass gets the Ebattle over faster so that you can start a new one and make even more money. Based on the above, and some other observations that I have made, I beleive that there is a set amount for the "reward pool" for any given Ebattle (this might vary slightly similar to how your damage varies slightly, but stays within a fairly small range) The way that this pool is distributed amoungst players is based on the total number of enemy Hit Points you kill. That way larger (more damage per hit) and or more active players (more hits overall) both get rewarded. This also applies to item useage, also, as the enemy that you use the items on (be that a spell or a troll or whatever) looses HP per item usage. So for example if the total number of HP in a given battle is 1,000,000HP and the total reward pool for that Ebattle is 10,000,000,000 and player a) does 500,000 damage, player b) does 250,000 damage, and player c) does 250,000 Then the reward would be as follows, Player a) 5,000,000,000 Player b) 2,500,000,000 Player c) 2,500,000,000 I am not absolutly 100% sure of all of this, but it seems to be the most likely and make the most sense of all the alternatives that I have thought of / seen mentioned.
Oh, if you'd like to look at the results, the Clan is called Mis-D that clan has only done 2 PvE, the first is attk, the second is assass
Just use both. I rarely find myself in a situation where I only have time to use one before the battle ends. If you do have that type of situation though, attack then assassinate once out of soldiers for max cash.
Ummm I think you guys kinda missed the point, Yes you should use both, but we have now moved past the original question and are discussing how the reward is alocated at the end.\ Further to my post above due to various observations over the last few days, I am pretty sure that there is a multiplier factor in play with reguards to your size / strength and how much damage you deal to a particular Ebattle. EG if a big account does an easy EB he actualy will deal less damage, in much the same way as you would receive much less reward for hitting a small account. Likewise a small account who manages to successfully hit in one of the harder battles will actualy do more damage then you would expect. As established above more damage = more reward. This means that in order to make the most reward (do the most damage) in the least amount of time, idealy your clan should have all similar sized players, and you should be doing the most difficult EB that they can successfully complete in the timelimit.
Of course both because you receive money at the end of the PvE mission if you succeed for the damage you do. By attacking and assassinating you are doing more damage and making more money
Although your damage will depend on your spy stats and attack stats. Therefore if you have high spy stats you will make more doing spy action and with high attack stats you will make more attacking