I think a lot of clans could benefit from having some sort of clan reward given from these pve pvp events, not sure how to incorporate pvp into it... But pve would be similar to how rewards are set now (10-50-100...event items) but in a larger scale Rewards could be things like lowest reward 10% time for eb completion, this would be good for the training/noob clans like mine Possibly even enchanting items horns seals etc given to every1 or top5 in clan Extra plunder spells for the clan not the individual or even stat boost spells If pvp can be incorporated then possibly mithril rewards too. This would help promote clan loyalty rather than leave clan for a hte clan Happy kawing
Perhaps a way to do it would be to add clan awards to go along with individual awards. To promote clans running EB rotations instead. And keeping your loyal members to enjoy that reward. But hey. I am Batsh1tcrazy so who knows
How about you sign up to a competition in your clan which stops you from leaving it. Any items you win in EB's go towards the clan total. The clan total is divided by the amount of active players. At least 20people must be active in event to participate. Everyone in the clan who is active gets a reward.
Nice post for a first timer, never mind the no support, those idiots don't know loyalty, they only care for themselves. Your ideas are good but it be better if you got more support and better ideas as regards to, what rewards are given and who benefits from it. Get enough support and ideas together and bring it to the Devs via email to support@athinkingape.com and see if they will implement any of this in further updates in the future. Good luck with all this
No support Hte clans would win every event as they can collect more in an hour than a non hte clan can make in a day.