Pure spy

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *stigisno1 (01), Jun 12, 2010.

  1. I need any tips bout bein a pure spy please
  2. Have 1 forge or sub lv3 and keep buying allys
  3. Get a few defense towers. I have three level 3 def towers and no one can hit me. You also need to bank your money.
  4. Ya but u need a forge to get started and a osf
  5. wats osf im newish :?: :?: :?
  6. Osf is a pure spy that let's people hit them five times a day and my build is 3 lv3 towers and 11 guilds
  7. How do you go about completing quest if ur a pure spy?
  8. Use a single troop building or complete quests then switch
  9. Just to clarify... "pure spy" means no buildings other than guilds.
  10. Sure, I was just listing how to quest lol.
    Spies don't have quests. No, let's not open that can of worms again. Please.
  11. What about having spy quest 