Pure Evil, keeping war classy

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jezza_of_Oz, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. So, the other day I went to log onto KaW and to my surprise, what do I find?


    So, as you do, I emailed the Devs, and this is what I got back.




    I have reason to believe that it was Tornado, an ex iG member and now member of PE who complained to the Devs about my forum post, and asked for me to be banned.

    This is what I replied to the Devs email to me




    Around that time, a friend of mine from PE contacted me in Pal, I believe to
    a) check if I was on-line, and
    b) check if I had been banned yet.



    Oh by the way Devs, this is not something I want to see while my account is banned.



    So, following is the response that I got back from the Devs.


    I was banned for about 48hrs in total, and would like to both congratulate and thank the Devs for their rapid response and resolution of this issue. It all happened over a weekend too, and during round 1 of the weekend wars. So great effort Devs, thanks.

    Now unlike some in this war, I am able to separate this game from real life, I don't take KaW personally, it's just a game. It's a damn fun and social game, yes, but just a game.

    My friend in PE is still my friend, even though we are both at war, and this won't change that.

    However I felt that the other side has, since day 1 of this war, come to the forums in an effort to take the moral high ground in this war.

    So perhaps the forums would like to see their true character, and the level that they will stoop to to try to get a minor "victory" over iG.

    Please note that I was not stripped during my banning, but I believe that this was in large part due to the fact that during our pal conversation I (may have) tricked my PE friend into thinking that I was not yet banned.

    In closing, I would just like to say,

    Pure Evil

    Don't let the butt hurt noob rage of your new members drag you down into the gutter.
  2. Lol

    GO PURE EViL!!
  3. Whats OPTUS?
  4. 
  5. You can tell that the devs shat themselves I've that banning appeal
  6. Actually I agree, it is just a game and it is just a bit of fun. For me the crap talking from both sides has me in hysterics and is one of the main reasons why I like to war.

    Thing is with this is that you're fighting several clans, so to pin this on pure evil is a bit of a stab in the dark, if it was me I would be looking at the people that I'd "falsely accused".

    All that aside, there seems to be a culture of shoot first and ask later with devs with regards to banning accounts. Unless its for actually cheating, then the other reasons seem genuinely retarded.

    Anyhow, im glad you got you're account back over something so petty.

    Back to the **** talk now

    You still suck 
  7. Jezza For the WIN!!! 

  8. It's a service provider here in the Wonderful land of Oz
  9. Trash talking? Ok. Getting someone silenced? Ok. Trying to get an honest player banned from the game for something said in forums? Extremely low blow. Poor form.
  10. No stab in the dark, I said that I had reason to believe, and it's quite a strong reason.

    Oh, and no one's yet to show me any evidence that my comments were false

    Thanks, I'm quite glad that I have my account back too :D I agree, the devs do seem to jump rather quickly on things like this. Just ask Laoda about his name change.

    I might suck, but you swollow :lol:
  11. I think they would have noticed you open for 48hrs, other clans completely stripped others that were banned so you're lucky PE didn't clean you out.
  12. I'd like to think that some in PE are still classy peeps and wouldn't stoop to that, pity that there are others who aren't.
  13. Did someone just compliment the devs on the way they handled their ban?

    Armageddon has come quicker than expected.
  14. What can I say Shadow, the initial ban was a pretty nooby move in my opinion, but it was very well and very quickly handled after that.
  15. I don't get it.

    I think I read something wrong.

    Coz I don't see what you did wrong ?
  16. Blah blah terms of cf suck on my right nut while humming the national anthem and better ******* enjoy it. Have a nice day
  17. Just saying, you weren't wrong in any of those above in the reply. The Devs may not like personal info shared out but that's no reason the ban you. It's like saying 'Moose had a run in with so-and-so' and getting banned for that.
  18. *to instead of the, fourth line.