Purchasing Infernos Problem

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by RocketSauce12, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Devs, we do appreciate that you allow us to purchase infernos for $7,500,000,000 and aquas for 10 crystals. The only problem with buying them is that they never work. The infernos have a terrible success rate with enchanting equipment. I purchased 3 of them today and tried to enchant the claws and failed 3 times in a row. This is not the first time it has happened. If anyone asked in clan chat if they should buy infernos, everyone will tell them not to. It's common knowledge that the infernos bought don't work as well as the infernos earned. What's the purpose of being able to buy them if they'll never work or don't work very well. If infernos dropped better for everyone then this wouldn't be a problem I would bother ranting about. But all attack builds ever get from epic battles are aquas. I very very rarely get infernos but I always get aquas. There are several other people with this problem. Please fix the success rate for bought infernos and/or make it so we can switch infernos for aquas and aquas for infernos. Maybe make it so 1 aqua is equal to 5 infernos and 5 infernos are equal to 1 aqua. There are people everywhere that have a ton on one and none of the other. Please do something Devs. Support or don't support below or even leave a comment on how many of one you have and none of the other. Thanks for reading :)