PsychoEmperor and the Regulators are Cowards!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *PsychoDumberor (01), Feb 5, 2013.

  1. PSYCHOEMPEROR should be farmed by everyone! He is in this war that REGULATORS started for no reason but to farm people! He isnt warring, hes just farming!
    Hes a coward too because he does it while we're sleeping! If. he jnew how to war he'd war us while we are awake as can hit back!

    You should all farm him because he wont hit back, he'll just wait till he finds out whne uou sleep and try to farm you, he's a coward!

    P.S He keeps putting a crown and a stipid dPsycho face! at the end and beginning of his sentences whoch is so stupid!!!! You're not a real Enperor! youre just a stupid made up fake COWARD Dumberor!
  2. Lmao pscho I sense a need for but thirst cream.

    Ever think people have different timezones?

    You sleeping could be bright and early in the day for him.

    Grow a pair and farm back
  3. Another statless...
  4. Butthurt cream*

    Autocorrect... *facepalm*
  5. Says the statless alt :(
  6. Please pm me the times you are awake, and I will make sure to accommodate your future requests
  7. Hey statless alt, ask your mom if you can stay up late and maybe you'll catch Psy. It's not his fault you have an early bedtime. Perhaps you should try the new game that appeals to players like yourself, it's called "Kingdoms Only at War While Your Awake". Are you Willowroot's alt? Now it makes sense...
  8. Freakin hilarious.
  9. Lmao I move to have this renamed to butt hurt alt noob rage 
  10. Yep thats what war is dumb dumb

    1.) You can still hit back
    2.) Its called finding your tz. Good strategy been around for a while.
  11. LMAO could you tell us your main? You know to ensure we farm when you are around.
  12. @TROLL - Butt thirst: lol: :lol:
  13. You guys are allstupid! real war is fault by real men on the battlefiled, not while they are sleeping. youre just all cowards ad thats why regulators are gonna lose htis war!!! Josher, i hope you like losing all ypur money when o reset!!!

  14. The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War. About 700 British Army regulars, under Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith, were given secret orders to capture and destroy military supplies that were reportedly stored by the Massachusetts militia at Concord. Through effective intelligence gathering, Patriot colonials had received word weeks before the expedition that their supplies might be at risk and had moved most of them to other locations. They also received details about British plans on the night before the battle and were able to rapidly notify the area militias of the enemy movement. The first shots were fired just as the sun was rising at Lexington

    Fought when people were sleeping. Its a tactic. It works. Its been around forever. Stop the butthurt
  15. Dang! Another 17,000 down the drain.
  16. I'M ON HIM BRO!
  17. Oh, how I wish a mod was on.
  18. Josher os waaay too sexy to resetAnd i love my Regs
  19. Aww isn't the lil alt just so cute :)
  20. @metal - No he's annoying lol