PS1 question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Secariusx, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Can a slow ps1 make up in steals how much it leaks in troops in indi war? assuming its active throughout war and only xtal if team has enough lead to cover leak. And given they are experienced enough to atleast be asking this question lol
  2. If you can time and steal ko a target yes you will cover more than you leak
  3. Wut

    1)slow ps1? Go PS
    2)why would u stl
    3)u don't stl
    4) no it won't make up
  4. Ps1 is so 1994, you need to upgrade to a ps4

  5. Because thats how ps1 plunder lmk if im wrong but isnt the ability to steal while being closed to atk like the only reason a ps should even consider being ps1?

  6. You're only closed to atks from atk builds and only when you're zero gold. There's always gonna be a few hybrids on the other side so you're not really closed if you're stealing and sitting with gold.

    I suppose it might be different between LL versus indi wars but generally no, you'll never make up in steals what you gift away in inc atk's at the start.
  7. No. Indy war deffo nope. Ll war deffo yes. Indy war best to be attack heavy. Ps1 in Indy is pretty much useless. Your gunna get rekt by spam troop hits and fail scout bombs/sucess
    For Indy its best to be attack heavy. Besides. A steal gives me 60mil and attack gives me 100mil, yet attacks take up 4% and steals are 8%