PS/Hans strip prevention

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIlIIlSCUMBAGlIlIII, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Hansel/PS Strip Prevention 101

    This is a very important subject that doesn't seem to get enough attention for newish players. Many new players fear the dreaded strip, and search for realistic answers to this problem. Well I would like
    to help you with that very problem follow these simple guidelines and you will be very hard almost impossible to strip.
    Now unlike many other strip prevention strategies this requires very little gold so is ideal for all newish players.Many people
    Already use this strategy however this post in intended more for new players coming into the game.
    Ok now firstly we need gold easy way to do this as always is to buy a sod.However if this is not a option for some people. If this is not a option I suggest you buy cheap garbage allies and flip them for a fast profit. Now after doing this we have out gold for a ally. But those allies are expensive so instead make yourself another acc (on another device ofc) now if you don't have a main get your buddy to volley this acc with you till you reach the desired amount.This will keep your money nice and safe for a while.
    Now the prevention!!
    Stage 1. Simple just pull down that cheap atk building !


    Stage 2: Sit and wait do not atk do not do anything !! What someone just bought that ;)


    Stage 3: What they stealing your gold ;( Time to stop them !! Simple build your cheap Nasty atk building you got plenty of gold now so don't worry ;) ;)


    Thats Great you and your friend just had a free volley transfer and didn't cost you a thing :) Now it's up to you what you do with your gold :) If you have time you can reset that acc and repeat lol


    Please take caution because although this is a great prevention it CAN sometimes go wrong.
  2. Or you can just do what I do and have these things called friends watch your back whilst you sleep. I'm sure you may not have such a luxury as to have friends but some of us do.

  3. I learnt so much...
  4. ^ dats yo alt
  5. Poo why did u have too post before me fire fiend :(
  6. Except you're a noob and it'll only work "maybe once"

    Plus won't work when you're actually asleep
  7. Jokessss I don't know wtf I'm saying good thread mega Gl against the hogs it looks as if you may lose no offence intended
  8. Jackson the reapers are a syndicate, there are a lot of us and he certainly is not my alt.

  9. @ troll this has worked 3 times so far and cost HOG's 150bil so far...So many ppl against any of my ideas when I have proof they work...And @ lord ty for the comments it will be a long time before we know the outcome but my spirits are as high as ever. Will increase my daily kawing time soon...
  10. ^ okay I'm a noob ty for info bro
  11. The whole point of a strip is to do it when you sleep.
  12. Sorry mega u posted after reaper lol
  13. Wow 150b... Considering 120 of it was right there that's not a lot

    If I saw a ps with an ally I would buy it too
  14. ^ gotta agree Lolz
  15. @ troll the 150bil is solely bombs... And yes troll many people would buy allies from ps that is why I doubt you would have to wait too long as a ps for someone to buy...Like I said this is not 100% but is effective I only lost 300mil from that strip they lost 120bil that's a large margin by anyone's standards...
  16. They also stole when they shoulda attacked though.

    Attacks would have tripled your losses at the most, also, do you think a large clan actually cares about 120b? I can make that in a day off Hte…
  17. Agree with warhammer that attacks are good for stripping as well
  18. Op how much do you have in allies?