Protection from Being Stripped

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lililililililililil, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. Corinthian once told me, "if you have an ally, be prepared to lose it."

    In war, often people are stripped clean of all of their allies and cash, and end up having to start slowly due to lack of plunder bonus. The only solution to prevent being cleaned out is to bank.

    Let's put things into perspective:

    There are two things you can bank in: allies and potions. Because allies are the source of the stripping, DO NOT DEPEND ON THEM. No matter how long they've been with you, ALLIES ARE ALWAYS TEMPORARY. Attack potions are always your safest option.

    There are two types of money that can never be taken from you: nobility points and attack potions. Use this to your advantage.

    Here are some ways to prevent being stripped:

    Bank in all potions. This is not plausible as the low plunder will prevent you from progressing in the game.
    Stay awake all the time. Again, not plausible.
    Have someone call you. Waaaaaay extreme. It's a game. Take it easy.
    Go spy build. Very plausible, but fun for only a bit.
    Make a lot of friends. The best way by far, but not plausible because one will always have enemies.


    Here it is. I've laid out the facts. From here on, most of what I say shall be subjective.

    Allies are essential to KaW due to its bonus and plunder bonus. Therefore, buy allies as you would usually. However, in addition to this, bank enough money into attack potions so that in the scenario that all of your troops are gone, you can have max plunder bonus. That way, you can rebuild quickly even if you are stripped. Always keep a bundle of emergency cash so you can rebuild quickly.

    As for nobility points, save them. Do not use them to build your kingdom. Use it to recover. One cannot bank in nobility points, and withdrawing them to build up in allies makes it possible to strip.

    Do not bank in allies. Use them for the plunder and attack bonus, but once you spend the money, consider it gone, especially if you are in war.

    If worst comes to worst and everything is gone, do one of three things: reset and start new, rebuild slowly and surely, or take a vacation from KaW.


    If you are awake during a strip, consider yourself lucky! It's the perfect time to make money.

    If you have more than 20 allies, constantly buy allies at a certain price range so that your enemy constantly buys them off you giving you some great money. Otherwise, spend it on upgrades.

    That's it for my cleanout prevention tips for now. I am always open to criticisms and suggestions, although you shouldn't insult me personally or I'll cry. This is the first version. Expect it to be edited a lot.

    If you have questions, criticisms, or if you need a friend or a shoulder to cry on or something, contact me on my wall. That's it for now.

    Shoutout to Hrino who thinks I'm a prick, but I admire him because he is able to happily acknowledge that KaW is a game and that being stripped isn't so bad. Shoutout to TruePlayer who has yet to complain about being stripped.

    Love y'all. All girls who enjoy this send me some nude pics. :D

    -blumpy, the renegade
  2. How do I post the pics?

    Oh here..


    Oh though you said Weinees.
  3. Omg... Thank you very much !
  4. A very useful thread 
  5. Aaaaaand my thread dies because King_R0b is spamming random threads 
  6. Live! Live! Live!
  7. Yay! NA can strip me if they want to. I'm prepared now. :)
  8. Nice post 

    a bump for da blumpmeister

  9. A very useful thread... Other threads should just be deleted by a moderator - if they have one cuz its too useless  Like shifter threads  I like the thread "hottest guy on kaw" kyaa! 
  10. Did anyone try this yet? o.0
  11. It should be worth mentioning that spy towers are a viable option as well. While they do not provide 100% protection, they certainly add cost and difficulty for tge strippers. Pure attack builds (such as hrino had) are dangerously exposed once your allies have been bought. Give up a little plunder while at war to add some security.
  12. I've only 1 question..

    What is plausible ?
  13. You can also have friends keep you pinned or do it your self... Or downgrade your buildings so that youre too weak to attack.....
  14. Plausible is a smart wat of saying possible.
  15. Bump? Or does this sticky if bot then devs sticky it