Pros & Cons Of Having Gold OUT-S2(help)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ruZty, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. i was wondering whether and if having gold out does affect Rancor wars. does it even matter whether the person you are koing has gold out or not..say for instance "You have knocked out ABC, You earned 127,548,270 gold plunder and looted 41,939,395 gold of their plunder score!" the 2nd part - looted part comes from the plunder your opponent has earned in war and constitutes 10% of it.. what i want to know is what constitutes the first part?---earned ******** gold plunder.. from where does this gold come? as i will get it with an Attack ko scout ko or assas ko.. but i wont get it if i knock out the opponent with a failed action.. this part is NOT mentioned in cc details of a ko.. i always believed that comes from opponent having gold out.. but told otherwise.. if it is not from gold out then whats the fun of banking so much can afford to lose a bit then banking unnecesssarily.. i would rather not bank each time i earn plunder or get a ko..done so many wars and still feeling like a noob. all help ,opinions welcomed..thanks
  2. Re: Pros

    If your opponent has gold out, you will receive more plunder per hit this raising your clan's total plunder. So, having gold out is a no-no.
  3. Re: Pros

    The devs do a magic trick and make money come out of thin air
  4. Re: Pros

    Plunder per hit on an individual should remain same irrespective of gold out. Gold lost by the defender may vary though.
  5. Re: Pros

    Spacing would be nice.

  6. Nick- shadow having gold out affect pvp plunder earned..
  7. Re: Pros

    I don't know where shadow learned kaw mechanics. But as far as I know. The amount of gold a player has out, DOES NOT affect how much gold the aggressor makes. Heard that around a few times lately. Have I missed something with mechanics? Otherwise, where are these rumours coming from???
  8. Re: Pros

    The amount of gold you have out does not affect the amount of plunder an attacker makes off you in any way. It only affects the amount you lose when hit so there is little reason to bank during wars except for hansels to take advantage of game mechanics.
  9. Re: Pros

    Where the major difference is for hansel. If a hansel had 0 gold out they are dtw to atk builds, however they can be hit by hybrids and hansels. As far as wether it effects your plunder it makes no difference if you have gold out or not.

  10. Re: Pros

    Agree with the hansel mechanisms. But above I pasted a ko detail. How is that 1st gold plundered determined ? 2nd one is 10% of opponent plunder made so far in war.
  11. It won't change the pay others get, but there is certainly no pro to having it out. You lose gold pretty quickly. I've only warred once with a large amount of gold out and that was because I was entirely unaware. Ended up losing enough to drop me into the 800bils from the 900bils. But the other clan's plunder wasn't any more than it would've been.