proposing "Reputation" sys to improve matchups

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Gleam, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. I believed there's are more than enough complaints and equally huge amt of suggestions regarding bad match ups and possible ways to improve them.

    So far dev do not hav a solution when no1 clan of 70 ppl can't be matched with any clan except no2 with 45 ppl. I'm sure all will try to flock to top clans for free mith lol

    Thus I will offer my humble suggestion to dev here. It shd help to improve match ups and also accolade active warring players while penalized those inactives who goes to war jus for free mith.

    The "reputation" sys will hav a war participation count. It could be implemented like an achievement factor where u unlock certain bonus when u particpate in many sys or ee wars. Obviously ppl gonna run mw to fake this. Ppl crystal on eb to gain battle counts so i dun think it make much diff anyway.

    The second factor to complement this will be a "war accolade" rating. Each war, the owner of the clan can feedback each player in war history a rating. Sort of like feedback in online purchase channels. Owner will then rate each player from -5 to 5. Negative rating obviously to inactives or those who are rude, uncooperative or simply screwed in wars. These rating will then affect yr "reputation" rank. Obviously owner can't be giving everyone a 5 rating to exploit this. Maybe dev can allow only, say top 20% plunderer to be rated 1-5 and bottom 20% plunderer to be rate -5 to -1.

    I always place great important to action counts. I hope top 20% action performers could be given positive ratings too.

    Dev could hav match clans better by dropping off those with low "reputation rank". My clan vet merc for war records to ensure activeness and reject those who ain't. Pretty fair. If clan no1 hav 80 and clan rank 2 hav 60, dev could drop say, 15 members with the lowest reputation off to even out the match.

    Can't blame the dev if u hav a bad reputation for warring can't u. And if a clan tries to gather all the best active players in one place, they shd not be certain to win every war cus dev can now drop ppl off in name of better match ups.

    I hope dev will look into the suggestion. This reputation sys will make those true warriors stand out by given them the "medals" they deserve. Many committed time and effort to help clans to win wars. Clan owners shd be able to recognize past war heroes (from clan war history page) and help dev reward these true team players.
  2. I don't think they would be able to implement this. It is simply too complicated. Remember, the developers have only 2 hours to matchup the clans who signed up.
  3. i dont see devs getting money in this idea so uh no.
  4. ^


    Not everything the developers do is to try to get money.
  5. It doesn't takes more than 2 hrs to click a button to list the roster according to war reputation ranks. The dev hav to manually look into the lb/bfa factor anyway. I'm sure dev dun match 50 bc ppl with 20 of them on lb against 50 normal bc without looking into more details.

    If 2 hrs not enough to improve such screwed up wars tats putting ppl off,make it 3 hrs then.
    I dun think players will mind more waiting time for better match
  6. Long this complicated peice of idea for free? No uh.
  7. Oh dun bother posting criticism on my typo or eng. I'm too bz watching my eng teacher mini skirt than to pay attention in class.

    Idc either
  8. But remember, its not a robot who makes the matchups.
  9. Uk how much hate devs get if got this 2. Also only people with bad ratings is the low cs people who trying war . If they get bad ratings hy no war cause system drop em. Therefore less KINGDOMS at war and more i played longer than u so only i get to war.
  10. Better match up= more participants = more wars possible = more crystal spent =???

    Do the match
  11. Rem the top 20% action performers get positive ratings too. This includes small players who still get a chances to ko bigger players by virtue of actively sweeping rosters.
  12. Very interesting suggestion. Worth looking into.
    It would also help other clans decide if they would want a merc with a bad reputation joining their wars.

  13. I think it could be a great idea if implemented well. This could definitely help the inactive problem a lot of clans have at times. Good idea to brainstorm with!

  14. Grab a piece of paper, and rank them yourself. Don't allow inactive members or low ranked members to join your clan
  15. How about this, only the losing side can burn xtal. It will be mark every hour, so maximum 3x xtals per war but only for losing side.
  16. i think its easier than all this. Devs just veil lowest ppl in clan signed up. Whats more fair. 15-20 ppl forced to not war or the whole other clan. Then clans would not purposely stack themselves for matchup. Maybe dropped ppl are put in an annonymous war if they choose but that might suck too. Idk. Stacking is making wars crappy. Think from now on ppl should also realize your not going to beat a clan with 20-30 more ppl so dont mith. Crappy payouts will deter stacking.
  17. This is jus another initiation. I'm sure there are far better ideas or ways to do this.

    I jus hope dev will do something to start the ball rolling
  18. sorry but for clans, which do all 5 wars is this waste of time .... admins
  19. ... Sorry I dun get soul...
  20. @ aury I dun think its fair for dev jus to veil bottom ppl on stats if that's what u toking ab.

    The idea is to hav a appraisal/ ranking sys for activeness and performance in war. And based on this, those with inactive records get filter off and clan stays healthy in activeness