Proposal to Make a Mismatch EE fun for the Losers

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Recently there was a lot of noise about EE mismatches, and I believe the devs are doing their best to limit their number. Unfortunately, it does not take much to have a mismatch. 3 or 4 extras players or a lack of good tower hansels on one side is enough to trigger a massacre.

    Have you ever been in a mismatch? It is not pleasant. Right from the start your whole clan gets Koed in the first 5 minutes of the game, and then your enemy just sits around and waits for their trackers to tell who is coming up next, like bullies who keep pushing your head back into the sand the moment you try and get up.

    You’re in for a long war if the enemy’s trackers are on their game. I have found myself barely able to get off one or two actions before my build is shoved back into the KO sand. Even crystals only buy you a minute or two of time, because the stronger clan can corral you back in easily because they are almost always at high troops. As a result, the outmatched clan members end up only really playing 5-6 minutes of a two hour game. Not much for of an entertainment.

    I ask you, however, is there not a way to fix this problem? Can we not find a way that does not necessarily negate the advantage of the stronger clan but allows the weaker one to be active, say, 15-20 minutes of the war instead of 5 or 6? I propose the following two tweaks to the game.

    1. Give us half troops when we come out of KO.

    Now of course the devs cannot give us a full regen when we come out, because no one will buy their crytals then. However, just 1/4 troops not much use when there are 6 guys with high troops ready to pounce on you the moment you come out. Half troops regens would allow us to 1) get more than just one or two actions in before we are KOed again, and 2)make the stronger enemy waste more troops to KO us, making them more vulnerable.

    2. Make the reappearance time from KO a bit random.

    The trackers in this game are too good; they know when you come out of KO before you do. Because of this you are lucky to enjoy your revival for any more than just a handful of seconds. However, if we put a random element in say, a revival time of 5 to twenty minutes instead of a set 15, tracking in this game would be much less efficient, which I feel is more typical of real war. Instead of the trackers saying “Green_Dragon will come out of in 56 seconds”, they could only say “Green_Dragon might be out of KO now, but it may be another 5-10 minutes”. The uncertainty would lead to more mistakes, giving the weaker clan member to enjoy a few extra minutes of game time.

    Please note that these suggested tweaks are not meant as a way for the weaker clan to win. It is just suggested as a way to make all the players in the war have an enjoyable game, especially in the unavoidable mismatches that happen.

    Thanks for reading. Phil out.
  2. Addition: A random timer would also make it more difficult for the enemy to know you have xstalled.
  3. Support for both ideas, i haven't been in a mismatch but i have been against a clan with far superior tactics than ours and those two ideas would make it completely fairer. Unless you are completely evenly matched then the winner of the war can be seen from the start. This adds a bit more of a challenge for the leading clan. Support
  4. The only thing I don't know about is how difficult it would be to program this.
  5. Support for random timer, but make it more concise, say 12-18 minutes instead of a giant 15 minute period. Also, how does the person know that they are out of pin? Haven't tried ee wars because I can't really dedicate the time, or the xtals requires in every ******* clan.
  6. Instead of slowly regening, I would make it a surprise half regen. It would be like "WTF! i have half troops! I'm active again."
  7. If you used the first one it'd end up as a SKO war, you could make an extra 200-400m off troops then a KO from spies. About 500m every 15mins

  8. One moment no troops, the next half troops. You are off to the races. Having a random regen would also make it more difficult for the enemy clan to know that you have xstalled.
  9. I think random timer could be anything from 10 mins to 30, this makes it a diverse randomness that will give trackers a serious headache :p ;) :3
  10. 30 is a little too long. I like the 5 to 20 idea. Keep you peeled to your screen.
  11. I think the half regain should give you a notification when it happens and i think it shouldn't occur until theres a certain plunder gap, maybe 10 bill
  12. If it applies to both sides, I don't think it should be a problem. Also, the more rules and variables you put in the harder it is to program.
  13. No support. While I can't say it wouldn't be useful at times, timers have world hard to get to the level that they are at and not only would it not be fair to them, it would COMPLETELY change up the entire war strategy. I'm not sure how many EE wars you've done iProphet, but this would certainly not be a good edition.
  14. @ penguin

    Think of it this way, we don't need timers. They could relax and play the game like everyone else. The game is for warriors, not timers. I love my clans timers, but the game would be better without that cheat.
  15. Support. I have gone up against several clans that were better. To name a few they were Empire Rising and GHC Silent Killers. Both of those beat up my clan
  16. Sorry Philosopher, but both these suggestions came up and were shot down during the beta testing. Although random regen might be worth it, it takes a large part of skill and team work out of these wars.