
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Hello forums,I decided to take a crack at the whole"Proposal"thing and this is what I got out of it.I propose that along with the usual EE wars we have was called "Team Deathmatches"or whatever you wish to call them.Instead of a clan fighting a clan,temporary teams are made and occupied by 5 members.These teams would enter either a similar system as the EE wars or in a tournament style fight system.These would be cool because it offered the option of being in a small clan of players similar to you,instead of someone like me being in zaft warring.It would allow smaller players in big clans to have an alternative to warring with said clans and getting nothing for it.You could also add prizes to these Deathmatches such as inferno/aqua or even if the devs are in a real good mode,xtals.It's just a thought and I'm sure it will never get accepted,but post your thoughts below.Happy KAWing:3(note cuddlebunneh you are banned from my threads,I don't like you,that's why.)
  2. And no I diddnt steal this from logical,their are differences and I thought of this myself.
  3. Wanna 1v1 arb?
  4. bear,I'm helping a small clan out right now~_~
  5. STOP MAKING THREADS. Only because they're different topics doesn't mean it's not spam. Your ideas aren't original and they have no substance. Lurk for a few weeks, name change, post slowly, and then, and MAYBE only then we may forget your uselessness.

  6. @IGCB: Didn't work for Flint :lol: .
  7. Proposal! Go away.
  8. What am I thinking...
    I don't have to ask you...
  9. Proposal: arbiter banned from forums? Everyone would like for this, devs please give us this.