Is it possible to get enough nobs to buy propack frm quests alone?? Does redoing a completed quest still drop nobs and xtal without resetting??
I switched my name twice, and bought two propacks, through quests. (That's 80 nobs in all.) It's possible, just hard, and needs dedication.
Xtals do drop from quests. It has the lowest possible chance 0.01% just ask resilience. Or even check the quest guide by toast
You can get xtrals from old quests the drop rate how ever is stupidly rare something like 0.0001% chance
With my other alt I averaged 10 nobs per 1000 quests. Never got a xstal. It's possible just stay deticated to quests
There is a nob drop rate of 0.2%, and xtal drop rate of 0.02% from redoing any completed quest. This changed about a year ago from 2% drop rate on both xtal and nob. *dons my hat, "much obliged"
It's weird though. I wanted a name change, farming first quest and I got 2 nobs per unload, sometimes even 3! Second name change, I wasn't so lucky...
It's a % chance so there will always be anomalies. I used to quest for xtals to do wars with. When I noticed the drop rate somewhat lacking I queried it with a mod. Those were the numbers I was told, and from my own experience of trying to farm quests they seem about right.
I've been in OSW for over a month my accts are hansels so I'm usually stripped and pinned () ..when stripped I OSW with spies and use troops to farm quests for nobs ..I'm using 3 accts. I earn about 9-12 nobs a day on each acct. ...which brings me to another point; ev1complaining about the price of HTE seals if you have 2 accts. use one acct. to farm for nobs (for me i'ld earn enough for an HTE seal about once a week) use that acct. to pop the HTE seal for your main acct. find a clan that'll give you a 7 day pass. Then you've got b2b HTE without spending RL cash
Nob = 0.1% averaging 1 Nob every 100quests. Xtals 0.01% averaging 1 xtal every 1000quests Roomers say first quest has a higher drop rate. Double the drop rates above. Tbh, i don't think it's true. But idk. Could be wrong. A nyways, hope i helped and good luck farming the crap out of quests.
I got all the propacks from questing and resetting. Did 90 lc resets and used my troops to do the first quest over and over and spies to eb (preferred NML for item phase). Did first quest not because it had a higher drop rate or anything but because there were no fails. After doing 100K+ quests found a 1% nob drop rate. Only a couple of xstals dropped. Too rare to go after xstals but nobs very doable. Not ALL the propacks and had 800 nobs left over.