Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Earn 50% more plunder from both Haunting: The Escape and Revenge of the Warbeast from now until 11:30pm PST on December 21st.

    Note: This will apply to Epic Battles started from this point forward.
  2. Yaay.. another promo
  3. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    More money, yay...
  4. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Wow!! Not
  5. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Tell us how many seals were bought during this please?
  6. Kaw_Community, where is that Shark Epic Battle?
  8. Watch the eb turn out to be another pay to run...
  9. What shark eb everyone talking about. Dont they need to come out with the last eb in the smoke signal series?
  10. It's an inside joke
  11. Greedy Devs stop these promos. The Halloween one was great but crux? Keep it.
  12. Nice Yell Yah
  13. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Not being added to me?
  14. You're just losing more ppl doing all these promo's. Ppl are tired of it. This is 5th b2b promo in a row. Just stop while you're ahead... Geez
  15. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    I think it starts after the epic battle you finish
  16. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    A promo? I didn't see that coming.
  17. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Ya go figure

    Promos we must..
  18. Support
  20. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Guys, the only reason why they have this promo, is due to the upcoming schedule maintenance that will last for over an hour, this is a good way for those that need a little boost before this comes up.

    The developers are actually being nice for the community by giving people a chance to grow faster with plunder spells, promo's and so on.

    It is up to the users if they wish to purchase crystals or nobility points not the developers.

    Plus along with this they need to keep up to date with the recent versions of the IOS and android devices to keep this game bug free.

    Have some gratitude for their generosity for giving a huge boost for you guys.


    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.