problems getting on

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by badbat111, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. i just had a odd thing happen where the game wouldnt let me on like my account wasnt there the forum didnt have me it just had log in i closed the browser opened it and it didnt let me on the game some thing about invalid request or something i closed it again tryed again it gave the same thing then pressed refresh and back on it now i dont know if anyone else is having this odd problem
  2. Same. It was for about 20 ish minutes. I demand xtal compensation.
  3. Better than problems getting off.
  4. Eh.. Was a good time to read a book.

  5. Problems getting on could lead to problems getting off though
  6. Probably temporary server outage.

    Everything's good now though lol.
  7. i thought i got banned when it happened went to hit a eb and got invalid request went to look at my wall same thing then went to forum saw it had log in i hope what ever is causing it gets fixed i dont care about reciving anything only being able to get into the game and play you know hitting ebs in event
  8. Devs will ban you for no reason, turn your newsfeed off and take your stuff. They have cheated me...I'm sure they have cheated you too
  9. More like temporary server outrage

  10. Never got my free xstal like my other acct did. Damn you cheap ass devs. Damn you (middle finger emoji)
  11. Lube usually gets me on.

    Anyway, it was probably the developers giving you some time to work on your grammar and punctuation. But I guess it didn't work.

  12. lol I don't think he was talking about that kind of "getting off" 