Alright so I have a question guys! So what pack do I buy with real life currency ($€£¥) gives me the yellow pro(or blue with mith spells)? after the question is answered WHAT PACK DID YOU BUY AND GIVE YOUR REASONS FOR BUYIN IT! COMMENT BELOWWwwww\/
What do you mean by "yellow pro". All pro packs turn your flag background yellow. As for me, I picked the black diamond. Mostly because on PC, I can buy pro packs with nobility, and I quested for nobs until I had enough to buy it.
There are a few packs you can buy, but every single pack will give you the pro back ground, and you only need one pack for the pro banner. I believe the cheapest ones are $2-3? And I have four of them, and I bought them because I had a lot of iTunes credit from gift cards.
All packs give, even the old limited edition pro packs back in early 2010, before micro-purchases where added
I bought all of the packs to help with better attack and defense percentage stats. I am on a reset but before that I had a CS of 7 mil or so, and with decent allies, pots, and the pro packs EB items I was able to handle my own with a few of the builds on LB. I just got back into the game and bought the last pack for $50 and my total stat percentage for both attack and defense ranges between 27% to 30% but I also have items from previous resets that the debs did away with in an update over a year ago. Overall I like the added bonus of the packs, and they do make a difference when playing the game. Hope that helps make your choice easier.
I got em all. First I got a $2 one. Then when I got a lil more serious in kaw I got all the $2 ones. Then when I decided id play for a whole got the 2 $10 packs. Didn't buy the $50 pack for a while. That's a lot of money for a game and packs. But got a bunch of iTunes cards one holiday so i decided what the hell. Got it. However I will most likely not be gettin more than the 4 $2 packs for alts. Idk. MAYBE $10 packs. But not payin $78 for my alts to get full pro packs. Lol
I have all of them, some of the old % increase to stat from reset gear, and even some promotional items like Orb of Kheldaran!
All but the 10% to all stats actually that was my older account i just have the 10% attack and defence