PrimeTime's Ally Broker Business

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kotrizo, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Hello all,
    My name is PrimeTime and I have been playing kaw a long time. I have become very good at choosing the right allies to trade fast. Now, I want to help any in need with these skills.

    The way the ally brokerage works is explained below:

    1. Follow me
    2. I will follow you back and then send me a pm telling me what price ally you would like.
    3. I will then search 1 price point below the requested price and find the highest combined stats and activity I can find in an ally.
    4. I will then pm you the ally's name and you can access it from my profile or search the name and purchase the ally.

    The idea is that yes, I will make money from you hiring the ally from me, but in exchange you get an ally that is very likely to sell quickly thus making you a nice profit as well. You also do not have to go through the hassel of searching many ally pages and possibly being unsure of what stats are best for a specific price range.

    Thank you all for your time and I look to have many satisfied customers soon. The customer is my first priority.

  2. Nice man, respect
  3. He doesnt cheat u
  4. I used his service and it treated me well. 5 stars for sure.
  5. 1b4l

    Not on forums plz :/
  6. This is stupid, i think I'll stick to finding my own allies, instead of 'paying' someone else to do a simple job for me.

    No support Just stupid, Zero Stars for this crap idea
  7. Well brosepth, considering you have only 2bil in allies for a combined stats of 20k I do not believe you really understand the importance and time it can take to find good allies that sell quickly. When you are paying 40bil for an allly it is very important to get one with good stats.
  8. Sweet of you to do prince. Taking on a lot of work and grippers mind 
  9. Seems legit (literally) I'll look into this later
  10. It takes like 15 minutes to find a decent ally.... I don't know why anyone would do this.
  11. Well Nobody, Some players are unsure of the way to get the besy allies, also, larger players that need 2-3 big allies may not have time to search 45 minutes for those allies.

    I do thank you for raising the question and allowing me to give an explanation. Cheers!
  12. I support this. Finding an active ally can be time consuming and i would be willing to 'pay' to have someone look :)
  13. im an ally broker as well. pm me for allys all for sale must move fast
  14. I would like a double cheeseburger with a side of onion rings as well. Can you get me that too?