Primals for everyone

Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed1124, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Lately i been noticing alot of smalls in wc asking for primals and some mid sized players wanting to do primals. Alot have been complaining about not being able to do the war, so i was thinking i'd help you guys out and give you a chance.

    I will try to find a clan for us to use and i will allow anyone, no matter how big or small to join in on primal wars. PS - they suck. But if you wanna do it then feel free to post here letting me know.
  2. Ur clan won't win but hey at least they got to war 
  3. I dont mind making you a clan for it OP?
  4. I made Silent Rage to grow my alts and also grow smalls. One of my accts own it atm. Im finishing up my HTE pass and then returning
  5. Anyone wanting to help or wanting to be allies let me know.

    If you want to do primals, let me know here and we will work something out.
  6. Wouldn't you need two clans to do this and war?
  7. Why would i need to clans to let players who dont have a chnce to war.. War in my clan?
  8. Who are you gonna war against?
  9. I will figure that out when the time is right.
  10. Op ps don't suck if you know how to use the build right
  11. Ps doesnt mean Pure Spy. If thats what you're thinking ....