Primal Wars

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TAN_wazZU_GRA, May 16, 2015.

  1. Primal wars and round wars need some adjustments to avoid completely stacked rosters like what happened with round wars. Round wars are basically dead. Primal wars will die too if one build takes over.

    The problem with both war systems is the lack of balance in build to build payouts. Pay out for attack actions on hansels/PS1 (primal) and SH and SSH (round wars)

    Primals- 1) Attacks/steals should pay based on the combined stats (spies+troops) of opponent and attacker. Currently steals pay much better than attack. Otherwise you will end up with a few select clans hording all the spy builds and the participation will die off. 2) If people are open for steals with no spies+money out then the opposite should also be true. People should be open for attacks with no troops+money out. Would be interesting twist on OSW too. Hansels cant just hit an hte and then strip so poor guy with immunity. Just balance it all out steals and attacks should work the same.

    Round wars would also be vastly improved if the payouts were based on CS+BFE+BFA. Makes no sense for a SSH to pay dirt and on the other hand make a massive payout when the same two people hit each other.

    I think EE wars are great. They are short enough that almost anyone can find the time to participate. You meet great people and a group works as one unit. Lets just make it so one build doesn't dominate each format. Most people aren't going to chase the one build that works for a particular format.

    General mechanics of game comment: Why is it that a spy can assassinate a troop but a troop cant locate and kill a spy, are they in another dimension? Do spies come through worm holes in space and kill us? Maybe my troops are just meat heads and can't see five feet ahead.
  2. Support because I didn't read.
  3. Nice thread wazzu... Support
  4. Ee is plunder war. Troop buildings have their plunder advantage than spy buildings already.

    in round war, I never worry about ssh/sh can plunder me a lots.

    A heavy spy towered hybrid could smash a hansel in primal war. A twin towered tank could smash ssh/sh in round wars. None of building is the best in ee.
    all depends what built/stats u are and who u matched. And how to balance your wsr roster.
  5. I feel there is a slight lack of understanding to build mechanics here. While yes it is true that hansels with no gold out cannot be attacked by attack builds, they can be attacked by hybrids. The reverse is also true: attack builds with no gold out cannot be stolen by hansels but can be stolen by hybrids. Also, i do not see how you feel spy builds have ee advantage when considering that assass and scout ( so far as I have heard and read) are not counted in the end payout of a war. This is evident when looking at myth awarded at ee war ends. The vast majority of hansels seem to overall earn far less myth than attack builds. Just my input based on what I read...
  6. Payout for actions on PS/ PS1 aren't bad unless you're a small attack build, hence PS will not make good gold on that build. I make about 30-40m at full on PS1, sometimes more.
  7. Just one mans thoughts based on ee wars. Formats die for a reason. The reason is loaded rosters. PS/PS1 builds have an advantage if the roster is completely full of them. Build mechanics aren't the same/opposite for all builds. But the better question is why are there different attack mechanics for different builds at all? They should all be the same. Basically if you want to build to one extreme or the other u shouldn't get rewarded by paying crap to attacks or being dtw to steal or attacks. Should people with one spy building pay crap on steals? answer is no. So people with one attack building shouldn't pay crappy either. Simple fix is all builds are open to attack/steals with goal out and either troops or spies. Then all builds are exposed for what they are or aren't. Same thing for defense pots and towers increasing payout for opponent. All artificial mechanics built in that make no sense in real world.
  8. A tips. Dont go hybrid if u dont plan to go heavy spy towers. w/o heavy sdt, u pay more than you gain from a hansel.
    and most time, those hansels dtw to attk action because they dump troops, not because they zero spies and golds. So there is no different for an attk or hybrid to hit hansels.
    At least attks can avoid hansel to steal him if u can bank golds fastly