Primal Wars - sh edition

Discussion in 'Wars' started by VaIarMorghulis, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. So with the release of primal wars i have seen very few sh warring. This is a bit sad to me as i loved warring as one. (Obviously i am not anymore) But rather than sit there and cry about it being unfair like the community did about round wars I want to do something about it.

    With that said i would like to start organizing at least 1 or 2 primal wars a day using builds my size and below. Now I'm gonna discriminate and limit this to hansel builds only. It simplifies the jobs of the wc's so much as there will obviously be issues with finding wc's for these wars.

    The two clans we use will be
    Isla De Tortuga

    I wall have ownership of both clans and admin those willing to help set up wars/wc/confirm those who can cast and things such as this. I will try to start this by Wednesday this week. If you are willing to help set this stuff up and wc/track plz pm with me.

    Ideas will be added to this as i find flaws and informational things that need to be added.

    -I may also start to do this with round wars we will see.

    I will not be cheating in any way wether or not i am warring so if you question my integrity then simply don't war. I don't respect moles/spammers/inactives/ those without xtals

    If you are inactive your banned
    Caught mole'ing/warring 1 accts? Ban
    Spam banned
    No xtals? Banned.

    Simple enough. Ty for your time
    Val/Bek ️
  2. I would appreciate any feedback on this. But any hate/useless posts, please take elsewhere. Thanks.
  3. Why call it SH edition if it's hansels?
  4. As i was writing this is sort of evolved however it is a 50% sh roster so. Thats why 
  5. No support. If you control the teams used and matchup, then integrity is in question always. There's no stopping it.
  6. You would not even be participating, so I dont need your feedback however, The ee community knows me especially among the sh levels. If they want to war they will sign up basic.
  7. Let me know when
  8. I don't know you man
  9. So you are gonna do a system war for the small build exploiters with no mith payout at the end?
  10. Read the first two words of name of this thread larry.

    You did not even bother to read the entire thread is my guess.
  11. Yea no support
  12. Hey op. Your suggestion affects the game, I am part of that game. If you don't like negative feedback then get the **** out of forums. I posted why I didn't support. ️
  13. Let me know when man, I'm always down for a primal
  14. Please share this thread with any friends that might be interested. 40 people kinda hard to get 
  15. No support..... And SH suck
  16. Awesome count me in!!!