Primal Wars - Not a solution, just a different exploit.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BoraHorza, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Primal wars were intended to be a counter to the overpowered ability of shadow hansels in war, but the developers fell prey to the Law of Unintended Consequences.

    In the process of removing the BFE and BFA stats for warrers, the devs also removed the ally plunder bonus. This means that Attack builds, and especially Hybrid builds, make very little plunder in Primal Wars. Who does this advantage? Those who do not rely on ally plunder of course. Steal actions are unaffected, and now Pure Spies can lead the war roster in Primal Wars. Primal wars are on their way to becoming Spy Wars.

    Individual wars are fair, fun and a great way to meet players from other clans. Unfortunately if these are to be the only wars realistically available to most players, it seems the whole reason for clans and clan loyalty is in peril.

    Just my 2c.

    TLDR: Primal Wars are heading the same way as round wars, certain exploit builds are coming to dominate and most people will not have a realistic chance of warring with a winning clan.
  2. Yes pure spies are warring more but so are hansels and other builds like mids. Primal wars have opened up warring to more builds as long as they are built for war. Also ps are easy to take down. Can scout down in seconds
  3. Primal wars are not really spy wars they are more like tank wars where every single person is towered to hell. Because there is no BFA or BFE towers make it next to impossible to fight from a pin which 90% of people are going to either have to force or will be forced into during the war.
  4. And obviously to war you must have towers. Only 2builds can be used without towers. PS and sh. Well 3 if you count PS1
  5. Hybrid builds make little plunder? Attack a HANSEL? STEAL?

    You just don't know how to war.
  6. Oh and your build sucks, Untowered and tiny
  7. Towered PS ( or is it TS now... ) is effective as well
  8. Chair builds are the coolest...
  9. OP doesn't get mechanics
  10. I think u r wrong! Yea no one can make money off the primal wars and everyone can hit everyone but that doesn't matter if u are an sh u have no chance really. Sh have to dive helping the clan in no way possible.

    Indi wars they are good, but they are really flawed and easily exploited worse then any of these wars. Why I say they are exploited, well inactive accts who use woc don't participate or they leak so other teams can make gold. Also if u have an alt in opposite clan in indi war u can ruin it that way too. Or maybe you are at war with someone and get to be in that same clan together and ruin everyone else chances to win.

    All I'm saying no matter how much you complain it will not change. As a sh I do like primal wars. They are tough but it gives everyone on clan to attack. Instead of many exploits
  11. OP is a genius. I applaud you for being smart enough to see this
  12. Well not sure to agree or disagree with towered ps build does very well off of steals...alot of mids i see make top 3 in plunder every war..each build can be deadly if person knoes how to use their build
  13. Yep, matching on hit ratio I broken. I've freely admitted such. Primals are just way less broken than round wars, so it seems a fix. Band aid season rolls on. But hopefully the devs will wake up n offer a tiered war system. Currently, if u aren't close to build complete, it's Indy or nothing for most, n there are only about 10 clans that war regularly.
  14. I wish a new build was created
  15. Exploit no, strategy yes. These wars are meant for clans that know how to strategize with builds that have had work put into them. So if a clan signs up randomly for one of these wars it may seem exploited when they get matched against such a strategized war clan. There is a type of war for every build, new or experienced. I feel devs are listening to those complaining and doing their best to accommodate to all players. Op, with your build primal and round wars are not for you, those wars take experience and strategy, stick to indi wars where everyone has a chance to gain experience. Yes, there may be an inactive from time to time or those who don't xtal, but that's what you get when you want to war before building the proper build for war!
  16. Its a strategy..... Everything is an exploit in this game if it let's you win apparently

  17. Umm, I'm hybrid and I'm making fairly decent plunder.
  18. Primal allows miss and hansels a better shot at playing...