Primal Wars: Mid sized roster

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Mechanic, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Hello forums, as inspired by a recent forum post I will also be putting together a mid sized roster for wars. I will be lenient on builds and such but pots are a must! I dont care if you have towers or not, those take the fun out of warring anyways. Just wall or follow me if ya wanna sign up and ill get to ya as soon as I can!

    Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted
  2. Just one question
    II, B, or R?
  3. Towers take the fun out of warring? How so?
  4. Who wants to sit there and whack at a tower? Doesnt tske any skill to have towers up and defend, gotta have finesse and strategy to do so effectively without them
  5. can I be on the clan that fights against you?

    99.99% chance of victory
  6. Really troll? Is that nessesary? 99.99%? Lol
  7. Yes it is ezio  troll always had to go the extra mile
  8. Has***

    damn you auto correct -_-
  9. On a side note, clan im in is not the clan we will be warring from
  10. Towers are a must unless you're a sh 
  11. You didn't answer my question
  12. Gl im tired of people believeing that and not allowing people to war unless they have them, hense why i dont require them, you can war effectively with them and effectively without them
  13. Troll r u serious 99.9%

    You are sooooo off - it's 100%