Discussion in 'Wars' started by REJ__NEGOTYPE__ECT, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. With the new Primal Wars kicking off today, this just a spot for feedback. What did you like about it? What did you not like? What do you think can be improved? Was it fun? Were the matchups even? Did you knock out a high LBer? Post feed back here, and happy KAWing
  2. no support to primal wars indi wars are more fun :x
  3. Primal wars offer you the chance to fight with friends. Indi wars are fun in a different way. They should both be good
  4. I would like to see "Chaos Primal Wars". You know 5-10 of your closest KaW friends warring without SH builds? No? Oh well :lol:
  5. this war is best for att build with no bfa espicially big ones mids sh hansel pointless inn this format :(
  6. Hansels aren't necessarily useless. Big attack builds will be unable to assassin each other which gives hansels/pure spies an ability to war again.

    Plus you're just a tiny noob so who cares:
  7. Should be easier to ko some of the lb considering some dont have adt or sdt (with their bfa they dont need it). Should be fun
  8. The wars that don't incorporate bfa are best for attack builds with no bfa? Mr romanoff you are a genius!
  9. You're an SH, of course you're combining
  10. Spil u on all these war threads and barely war what a groupiestop jocking bro
  11. Didn't see war results earlier.... Were they close?
  12. Was ok. But could hv been better with ally plunder turn on. U dont hv much plunder from pin troops. SH still warring, plundering on hansel or gold out spies.
  13. Barely war my ass I'm in 2 Indy wars a week at least.
  14. What's this war you speak of?
  15. I'd think you'd want ally bonuses figured in, but not the bfa..seems odd.
  16. Wow 2 indy wars in a whole week ? 2 ? Omg thats crazy, most people who war, and enjoy it for the actual war and not rewards will do at least one a day, overall 21 wars in a week and you do 2 ? Yet you claim to know it all, people i would ask for feedback are the ones who do every war and know everything, but yes you do have an opinion :/
  17. Take a deep breath war dragon lol
  18. Are PS any good in these wars?
  19. I like the idea from the outside... Seems the only thing that's missing would be just having everyone at MP... Not actual ally strength, but just the gold that comes along on a hit...

    Would that be hard to
    Do devs?
  20. Dragon, I do 2 wars a week, sometimes 1. I have one of those pesky adult lives where I have a job and financial obligations. That may be spilatches situation. He might not have a lot of time to focus on war. Besides that, I have warred with him and he knows what he is doing.