Primal war match up 660m cs vs 300m cs

Discussion in 'Activities' started by theicedragon001, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. Dear devs,

    would u mind to take a looks of war41 we will rp u vs guerrieri perpetue
    you lock bfe/bfa in primal wars and then just give a match up by 300m cs vs 660m cs in a classic ko war.
    If this is a reasonable match up, are u saying all middle/small buildings shall just get out from primal wars ?
    Come on, devs, we support any war styles; we always expect to win some and lose some wars, we fight with any nice matchs or bad matchs we got.
    But really, this 300m cs Vs 660m cs mtch up just scare us.
  2. 360m cs more? Wtf
  3. You do realize this war was 66 days ago?
  4. Nice necro bump moron.

    Mods it's our chance to ban him, please!
  5. I just saw this in wars section
  6. Do you have the ability to read dates?
  7. Lmao. I started reading this and realized it said war41 and I was like wait a second. War41? We haven't had one in a while lol
  8. Actually I think it was about 97 days ago at least not 66