Primal Roster Size: A Serious Request

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -IDIIAIIWIINI-, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Dear Devs:

    I understand that the aim of these new war styles is to get more people involved in war, and to level the playing field between the super strong and the super new. And though it has and is a very difficult adjustment for most of us long time EE warriors (Pre-season 1... yes there was one!) , those of us who eat/sleep and breathe EE are working on adapting our builds and strategies to this new system. It's kinda fun, a real challenge, but we'll figure it out.

    But PLEASE, if you are doing 6 wars a day, PLEASE reduce the roster size for the primal wars. Even your indy wars don't usually have 20 people (17-18 is what I've been getting lately). I am begging you to consider changing this for the following reasons:

    1> Wars are very close together, and now the signup time for one war is just 45 minutes after warriors are released from the previous war (except for the first war of the morning). That gives us war clan owners 45 minutes to get our people back to our clans, casted and ready for the next war. Getting 11 in that time- not very hard at all, you can usually have them signed up without depending on others out in the previous war. Getting 15- more of a challenge. but still doable. But 20? Come on man! Now, add into this that you don't want just any 20 random warriors.. you want to take a certain roster into war.... which leads me into my second point:

    2> You are making it almost impossible for those of us who would like to keep our rosters within certain parameters to do so. For example, I would like to keep my roster small- mids and smalls under 16 m cs (with maybe one or two around 20m). And I would love to match a similar roster of 20 mids and smalls under 16 m (with one or 2 around 20). The problem is... I usually have a hard time finding 20 at all in the limited time available, let alone 20 of similar size. And then... I have to hope that some other team out there has been able to build a similar roster and find 20 more people in that size range for me to match... did I mention we had 9 no matches in 4 days?

    By requiring 20 to sign up you are pretty much forcing me to reach out to larger builds just to have enough for signup, and then we have to pray for a match. And then- now here's the rub- Because we have to reach high we often end up drawing a match of warriors that are significantly bigger than us, or worse, stacked. So my mids and bigs become candy and my smalls become useless and my clan takes a morality hit.

    Having had exactly this experience numerous times in the last two weeks I've had to start casting big, which is forcing me to put my mids on the bench, which completely destroys the purpose of my war clan in the first place. But we either cast big and stacked and win, or we cast bigs and mids and lose, or cast mids and smalls and get no match.

    Now... last week we got lucky and caught a whole bunch of clans trying to get no match for free ee extension and tvp. Haven't had that luck this week.

    So, to get to the point, Please reduce the roster to 11 or 12 in primal wars. This will allow more clans to form and field a team for more primal wars, and should reduce stacking clans across the board. SH really are very useless in a small primal roster.

    There are some of us out here trying to do what we can as players to even the playing field and get our selves great matches in EE War. The 20-man roster in primal wars works against ups. Please, one more time, I am begging you here, please reduce the roster in primal wars.

    Dalichae, Co-Owner and head WC of Asguard Infantry
  2. Solid thoughts. Mostly support.
  3. I doubt devs will change it, they are trying to get as many people as possible involved in EE and larger rosters is part of that. Like you said yourself you will just have to adapt.
  4. Support and much respect for AI :)
  5. Is "mids" codeword for "sh" at ghost legion ?
  6. The devs want high participation but what mids and smalls will participate when they get no matches all the time? Exactly. They get TVP but no progress towards the war-only-equipment and hat demoralizes people, a lot. So why not have 11-12 roster, a 15 one and a 20 one? I see no problem.

    Support to OP
  7. Support Dali, 11-15 is plenty already 20 is a push really and you see a fair few clans failing to get the numbers.