Primal Mis match ups..No Reply from DEVS so RANT TIME

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. 2x -minimum -Battlegrounds- gets 190m cs advantage for no reason I understand.

    Why is this?
    Who knows when feedback is ignored n ops of
    -Battlegrounds- gets massacred. So our xtals n time counts for NADA n BG is allowed to match up. Senseless n dumb. If no answer from devs comes soon a boycott FORUM after S4 will be posted.

  2. Maybe you should actually focus on the war instead of writing this thread in the middle of it.
    Just Shadow's tip of the day ;)
  3. :lol: shadow
  4. Personally i am really enjoying the extra sko practice. But i agree, this is a laughably unbalanced matchup
  5. Don't need advice NOOB
  6. Anyone who thinks that extra advice could hurt is the noob...
  7. Support !!! Cos we are in the same clan ️️
  8. Shadow when u don't fail on Quests u may speak. Til then hit eb's they don't hit back u NOOB.

    Question is SUPPORT or NO SUPPORT

    Not noob nonsense
  9. Lets not get crazy here. Did you account for spy math when comparing cs? Spies have a higher strength weight then attack stats. Matches are determined by strength not cs.
  10. Support. Add the cs bud. Spy or no. Big mismatch
  11. 789m cs vs 592m cs

    But we warred hard n burned xtals n not quit.
  12. Yes spy stats r accounted for. What does ur math say?
  13. Whats a hfbc ps cs vs a hfbc attack build? They are both equal strength builds, but complete different cs sizes. You have to take spy strength into consideration because the cs is used in an algorithm to determine its strength along with all other stats. That is why a lower cs spy can be a higher cr than an attack build if both have equal bfa. This strength algorithm is used to make matches, thus requiring it to determine if it is a mismatch. Going by total cs will not work.
  14. FINAL SCORE: 12.8b to 3.4b

    Xtals used n max effort. Justify this match if u can?
  15. @Infamous

    Apples n HFBC PS1 on our roster
  16. Correction 1 HFBC PS1 outta 6 PS1
  17. Whats your algorithm say now?
  18. My algorithm says no support
  19. Boycott now if you're serious.
  20. SS link

    Look before giving advice or lessons n stay on topic. Either support or don't n give good input
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