Prestige System needs to be fixed

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Biyamiti, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. I actually don't really care about prestige, but the current prestige ranking system is laughable and I'm bored enough at the moment to spend 2 minutes saying something about it.

    As it is now, clans seem to be losing 3 points for losing a war and gain 0-1 points for winning a war. What this means is that even if a clan wins 2/3rds of their wars, they will still DROP in prestige. That is ridiculous. Only clans that are winning a majority of wars stay on the leaderboard, while clans that have NEVER warred, or warred once are on the prestige leader board. Clans that are warring and winning need to be on the prestige leader board and the rest need to be off it. There needs to be an overhaul in the number of prestige points clans win and lose during war.

    I just thought of a simple way to award prestige to keep the warring (and winning) clans on the prestige LB and keep the noob and unknown clans off of it. But if others have ideas, please share them. Hopefully the devs will get smart and fix it.

    My idea would be to reward 3-5 points for winning a war. 3 for beating any clan not on the prestige LB and 4-5 for beating a clan on the prestige LB. Then minus 1 point for losing a war.

    In addition, the Prestige LB would make weekly adjustments to clans prestige based on their war activity. Minus 1 point if they did not war during that week. Minus 1 point if they haven't won a war in the last week. Minus 2 points if they haven't warred or won in 2 weeks. Minus 10 points if they haven't won or warred in 3 weeks. The maximum adjustment would be down to 1000 prestige. So if a clan was at 1001 prestige and didn't war, they'd get knocked down to 1000 but wouldn't get knocked down to 999.

    These were just some rough thoughts. Feel free to share comments or suggestions and maybe this can get fixed.
  2. Support op
  3. Massive support. The prestige thing pisses me off.
  4. Solution....

  5. I concur with the op in regards to the subject with which i have no familiarity with.
  6. I was hoping you meant prestige as in when you reset you keep some stats.. Like 1% and keep equipment and lands half prove or something...

    However I would suggest a simpler system :-

    +1 point for taking part/loosing in a war.

    +2 points if you win easily (poor matchups, slightly penalised)

    +3 points if you win by less than 3bil

    thats it simple. ;)
  8. Support 0-0
  9. @man, that isn't fair if just becuase you are good and beat the other team by alot you get less points
  10. Support I find it to very unfair that you loose 3 points for loosing and only 1 for winning!!?!??
  11. Agree something needs to change and giving zero points for winning war is not fair
  12. Oh get over it... In a week or 2 none of these clans will be on there anyways.