Prestige Leaderboard Missing Again

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Philabuster, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Devs,

    Once again I must report that your Prestige Leaderboard is missing from Web and Mobile apps. We are in the midst of S4 wars, and it is a great disappointment to see it go missing again. We work hard for our rankings. We want to see that displayed prominently. Please correct this oversight immediately. Thank you.

  2. There's no prestige in clans anymore because most people who war clan hop nowadays
  3. I bet you are one of those people that get lost for hours marveling at yourself in the mirror, so that even a stalker wouldn't peep that long ! who cares about the prestige board !
  4. There are some great family war clans that either run ebs 24/7, or use the same sets of players. That's as a close of a family that you can get. Family clans do accept some mercs, but only to fill limited spots, not generate an entire roster. That gives them an edge in wars.

    In regards to Mork, the Prestige leaderboard can also be used to look up the names of clan with extra spaces, and dashes, you know the ones you try to find, and keep on getting, clan not found.
  5. Noticed this yesterday , was all excited for pervigo new spot , really not that big a deal though
  6. Support - put those boards
  7. Oh it's back

    And man does it look the best it's ever looked .