
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lonesong, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. I don't understand why these people are actually in support of Donald Trump. I expected everyone to joke around and laugh and not give him any support. Now its becoming a reality.

    I was in favor of Rand Paul. But now that hes dropped out I dont know who i want to win. I don't want anyone to win really.

    Opinions? Am I the only person that doesn't like any of these guys? Who are you guys in support of.
  2. Cabada, o my bad he is running in mexico
  3. Move to Canada
  4. If u move to Canada based on someone getting elected u do not like you are not an American. A true American fights for his freedom and beliefs as our forefathers once did.
  5. Well ya'll failed miserably  good thing I'm Mexican
  6. Because trump provides experience in things none of the other candidates have?

  8. It's democracy. If Trump got 51% of the votes and Paul got 49%, then that 49% would have to live with that. Cause, that's democracy. Btw before someome gets bent out of shape and butthurt; the 51% Trump and 49% Paul thing is just a (terrible) example.

    Also I'm voting for Trump.

  9. Having 51% of the vote doesnt mean you win....just ask al gore
  10. Trump 2016
  11. For questions about the electoral college, please refer to Schoolhouse Rock
  12. Its a sad world where so many hateful people exist.
  13. Lolololololol someone said trump has experience. In what? Manufacturing all his goods in China? Hiring undocumented workers for pennies to build his towers? He ever paid a massive fine for it and was unapologetic. Or maybe It's his foreign diplomacy experience, because you know, Paris is in Germany, according to him. Or is it his experience with dealing with protesters, encouraging his followers to act with violence, promising them bail money, if arrested for assault.
    Yes, that's a lot of experience. Too bad it's just the negative kind. Our country deserves BETTER.
  14. I think he meant the experience of bankrupting companies many times over 
  15. Why trump? Because we are tired of politicians that make false promises and tie their loyalty to which ever company pays them the most.

    Man, every election you get a president that says "I'm going to do this and this and this" and every time that president fails to do what was promised, the people act like they just got cheated on for the first time.

    Am I saying trump is a saint that doesn't lie? Nope. I am saying that career politicians have already burned their bridge with the American people, at least in my eyes. Let's give someone new a try.

    If he fails, we can just impeach him. Wait, no we won't. The free stuff loving people of America would rather be bent over than fight for themselves now.
  16. And what is promised and delivered by Trump? Ignorance. Intolerance. Xenophobia. A loss of women's bodily autonomy. A closing of the borders. Children living in fear of being deported back to countries filled with violence and the rubble of once great cities. Carpet bombing innocent civilians. Religious tests and special identifications.

    I can think of one other man who practiced the genocidal extermination of a people's that were forced to wear religious identification as well. Didn't end well for him.