Premise for the existence and potential application of an it

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cthula, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Premise for application of an item that cuts troop regen times in 1/2
    Item would cut troop regeneration times (both attack
  2. Premise for application of an item that cuts troop regen times in 1/2
    Item would cut troop regeneration times (both attack
  3. Wow, way to go dev... Character limit excludes my capacity to actually post all the ideas I had drafted, o well, screw it
  4. Premise for application of an item that cuts troop regen times in 1/2
    Item would cut troop regeneration times (both attack
  5. Screw, it, someone just delete this. I had a formatted well constructed argument drafted and copy paste doesn't work.
  6. Post your ideas by replying to your own thread. This will make you to have enough character spaces for your ideas.