Something bad is coming. It will be beautiful to some, and a ******* living nightmare to a good 80% of the rest of you. Something so awesome and horrific and chaotic that the very seams of the boundaries that withhold anything you thought was "safe" about KAW - will burst. You will lose everything you own. You will beg for it to be over...... .....but it will never end. Ever. You might reflect back on this day fondly as being one last day of tranquility, one last day of sleep. Perhaps the last day of fun. The last day you ever had a hope of a future here, unless you believe your future to be one of poverty and potlessness, and empty ally slots. Enjoy your freedom - because what is coming is an end to the way things are. And a beginning of what things used to be. Most of you have no idea what the **** I'm talking about. And of the half of you that read this, you'll probably move on to another thread, and not think about me again.... .....until it begins. And it will be too late.