Prediction of problems with removing maximum member cap

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_Fuzzy_Piranha_IlI, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. In last Kingdoms at War - 03/04/2013 Update is maximum member cap removed.

    I predict problems with matchups based on easy theory:
    - will be harder to find clans with same number of members, will be more possible +-5-10 members difference
    - will be harder to find clans with same power (according matchups calculations), which have same number of participate mambers

    EXAMPLE: if clan ranked #1 will have 90 members and clan ranked #2 only 40 members then is impossible their war and clan #3 with 80 members could be easily much weaker than #1)

    THIS IS STEP BACK :shock:

    ===> this will result to unbalanced matchups (weak vs strong or outnumbered war) or in better case:
    ===> many clans will be without wars .....

    we will see how it will works, but this is my pesimist prediction :roll:


    ik that many ppl hate 30-45 or 30-60 limits, but its only way how to organise random matchup wars,
    for bigger wars should be open systems wars back (without mithrills rewards)

    only way how bring more clans for wars is DOUBLE hits payouts (btw if i use xtal in epic then have 3x more plunder rate than in war .... + in war is xtaling dangerous in bad timing...)
    = my usual earnings in winning war could be 3-5bils ... if this will be 8-10bils then will ppl rather fight than do epics and this will be effect to losing clan too (best ppl on losing side could get good money = more reason why do wars)
  2. Here is some unsolicited advice from a nobody:

    I bet if you had posted this on kaw_admin's thread, you might have gotten a response from kaw_admin. But since you made a separate thread, they probably won't bother looking at this.
  3. Ahhh! Finally another pessimist in this game!! :D Pessimist for life! 
  4. yes ik, but as i see these admins threads are always closed for reply or ideas... its very hard to send there some posts
  5. It's not closed. It isn't hard, either. All you have to do is go to forum>questions and feedback>thread you're looking for.

    You can't post on kaw_admin threads through AT.
  6. I think the reason KAW admin is doing this is to give players the choice to go big and risk going up against a smaller, but better clan, or go small and xtal.
  7. Nice thread marty. Support
  8. It isn't a step back... If you read the whole post they're adding a 'no match' thing so the #1 clan or whatever number clan will not war that day because they've got too many members.
  9. Wars in real life will never be equal, so why should they be made unrealistic in the game? The devs are doing the best they can in matchups, its now on the players to fill in the rest.
  10. Rise the no match thing will not be happening this week.
  11. Posted this before but worth reiterating that there will always be serious matchup issues with current signup and matchup system. We need additional signup options that give devs more flexibility in assigning war rosters of warring clans. For more balanced matchups we need one or two ADDITIONAL signup buttons:

    Proposal - add "RESERVE" button(s):

    "Reserve-IN" = one must be present in the clan signing up for EE war. By activating this button he/she will not join war UNLESS they are called upon during the matchmaking process in order to even a matchup.

    Reserve-OUT = presently in clan and has opted-in to join war BUT is willing to be dropped from the war roster in order to even out the matchup.

    This would hopefully provide a mechanism within the current matchmaking process for devs to balance and fine tune both cs and roster number for more evenly paired wars. This may also help reduce the incentive to "stack" a roster to try to force a mismatch.

  12. there are pluses and minuses to see the reserve ins would be the higher accounts, and the resever outs would be the lower accounts

    but this would make numbers more balanced, but in the long run it would make strength size too unfair.
  13. MATCHUPS PREPARED ... now see it .....
    - RCA (57) vs WILDERS_CHILI (42) etc etc
    ... this will be today very often

    POST HERE YOUR BAD MATCHUPS to check how new UPDATE works.... :shock:
  14. Clan 2 wouldn't have 40 members, unless they were all the top of LB. The top clans always have a **** ton of members, which is how they are powerful.
  15. Lets say Clan 3 had 100 members. If clan 2 had 40, then two members in clan two would have to be just as powerful as five members of clan 3. In this case, 1 would be matched with 3 and 2 with 4 or 5, maybe no match up at all