Pre-season: War 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. War #3 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 2 hours
    15 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Wednesday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Wednesday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Thursday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Thursday - 10am-10:30am

    Signups: 53
    No match: 5

    DEATHS ACOLYTES you had a clan composed of player close enough in strength that your hit ratio could have matched you with other clans but your CS, BFE and BFA were low restricting the number of potential matches.

    No Match Found you were in a similar situation. You have members in your clan that are to strong to hit members of clans closer to you and as a result your number of matches was restricted.

    PoC Incoming and Murder Death Kill your clan composition is such that too many of you members are far apart in CS, BFA and BFE meaning that not enough of your players can hit other players with clans of similar strength.

    UnBeKnowN -> odd man out.
  2. Finally get an Advantage! Ty devs! :)
  3. Anyone want to advise me on a good war build?
  4. Great job !! Tx so much
  5. I don't get it... Thought this was already set and posted? . Idk... I could be wrong
  6. What time is war 3
  7. Thanks for enabling WoC casting, devs!


    Any hint on stats? :lol:
  8. Sure, here is a hint, the delay is because we are making more ---

    Oh... apparently I can't say anything yet.
  9. Hash brownies???
  10. Kaw adms on chitter right now when they get off chitter. They will release new bonus..thank u for your patience..they had chillie last night and they got the
  11. Lol KaW admin
  12. Any word on war 2 TuC vs. Poc devs?
  13. Anything about gh issue??? Or % gold bonus pro pack??
  14. What's with the no match? This is 2nd one this week and it's war 3
  15. How do Devs makes these stupid match ups my clan just went up against a clan with 71mil more stats with bfa and bfe. Can you tell me how can we possibly win?
  16. Swiftpaw- Unfortunately, there is no way to win that kind of matchup. We've been in the same boat a lot for the last month.

    Devs- I am trying to give more frequent updates on my impressions of the wars that I am in. It appears that War 3 had more good matches, as the forum didn't fill up with complaints like War 2 - so good job there! At La Res we were matched up with Dragons Sanctuary, we were about 50M CS below them, but we used some GH and had more BFE and maybe BFA so it was a mostly level playing field. It was a good matchup and a close war, it was a lot of fun fighting even without winning. And by the way, Dragons Sanctuary - your clan kicks ass, great job and strategy in the war!! What made war 3 fun is that we had a chance to be able to win. What ruins war is when you don't have any chance of winning at all (see Pre-Season War 2 down by 100M CS and 29 vs 26 because of hit ratio)

    Anyhow, running total for La Resistance for Preseason - 2 fair matchups, 1 bad matchup.

    I will try continue to post info regarding each of the wars because I feel it is helpful to Estoc Trials for you to know when things are good and when things are bad (we tend to focus on the bad and only post when we're butthurt)

    OTHER CLANS - Please post comments after your wars and let the devs and the community know when you have fair matchups and when you have bad matchups. It will help make EE better for everyone!

    --the real sasquatch--
  17. Our war in terms of cs was only 2m difference and seemed a very fair match. We are same and have had 2 fair matches and 1 where we were considerably smaller.

    War 3 matches seem very encouraging though and there were a lot of very close fights. I don't know if the devs tweaked something slightly but if so, please keep it that way. 
  18. Lol was part of odd man out :0
  19. thank you sasquatch! much respect to lar for that awesome war. your towers are scary as he'll without my beautiful toys on.

    si maybe theyve done more tweaking withoutter telling us again? finally for for the better.
    it this is true, kaw admin applauding your effort in match making this wa except for maybe divinum furorem vs rising hawks. that may have been a bit over the top..

    either way kudos. keep li
  20. OMG guys. Cs is so easy to overcome if no big LB guys. You just need to fight differently. I won't tell u how but u can adjust your initial strategy to negate any cs adv. big LB on the other hand is not easy to overcome. Just cs is is. Also I'm guessing gh's are a source of that cs disadvantage. But since gh's don't pay plunder but can plunder they are in essence as good as a 10m cs alt. If you watch the wars in the 2 hour set ko wars u can likely figure this out as several clans are already fighting this way. Now if your opponent is doing the same strategy as you, you are likely doomed but that generally isn't happening in lower tiers. Brainstorm instead of complaining. Start hitting each other until you figure it out. There are several game tools that almost no clans are using that can help u as well.