Pre-season: War 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. War #2 - War Start Time Shown
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: Random KO 7-12 minutes
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Tuesday - 3pm-3:30pm
    EDT - Tuesday - 6pm-6:30pm
    GMT - Tuesday - 10pm-10:30pm
    SGT - Wednesday - 6am-6:30am

    Signups: 56
    No Matches: 4

    No Match Found
    PoC Incoming

    You all had hit ratios too low even with the best possible match ups, resulting in no match.
  2. Nice very fast to post now
  3. Your hit ratio is complete crap

  4. I am in war match up
    La Resistance V.S RiSK
    We are 102 cs less
    I cannot hit their lowest clan roster
    I am top 3,000 ally lb

  5. @Admin Where did the good admin go that told us what to adjust for more possible matches?
  6. Hit ratio does not give accurate measurement of clan. Just cause we can hit them means nothing. No one in our clan can hit and win on their top 5 or so actively warring. If you can't win you can't get plunder. If you can't get plunder you LOSE. When will you wake up to this fact. HIT RATIO DOES NOT WORK. We win by land slides we lose by land slides both are not very fun. I know every war cannot be ideal but at least give us a war we can't determine the winner at match up. It's getting harder to get peeps to war due to this if it continues season 2 will be a bust and season 3 you can write off and stop considering it IMO.

    For all the trolls and haters this is not whining. This is simply stating the facts. So troll elsewhere unless your brave enough to post with main and not a statless alt.
  7. Really poc vs tuc protesting and I see poc sub didnt match we just got beat by them twice and now we get watched with there main lol font take our edge for your mistakes please and this shouldnt be in our history at all cmon devs
  8. You are a GH with something like 53M BFA that adds to you something like 1,035M stats and you wonder why you cant hit a guy with 10,7M CS with heavy towers?
  9. / ͟༗ ͟\vvv: Yes this no match is total bs, and we need to know what to improve to match these clans stated above, like do we need to take away stats or add stats?
  10. So I'm assuming the Devs don't have the audacity to explain our completed mismatch, Poc vs TuC, or the 4 other no matches?

    Just curious because there's a lot of people waiting on an explanation
  11. 13 weeks of ironing all this out...
    And we're back to day one.
  12. My suggestion to all those small clans not matching is grow plenty of us up here at the top I know you love the Gh build but we could use more clans up here to match.
  13. Wow devs how you matchd us against pillars of chaos vs tuc? Our oppo is more than 80m cs more and x150 more on eq? Wow how many weeks u tested ee wars? 14 weeks? R u joking or what?
  14. i love you devs lots of crappy matched ups again... its better to gve no match found rather than matched up against oppo whom u knw u cant even win by 1% shame
  15. About the war with tic and PoC. PoCi didn't match and have lower cs then PoC and we beat tuc twice in a row. Come on devs.
  16. 
  17. Funny how PoC Incoming (POC sub clan) beats The Umbrella Corp. twice in a row then the devs match The Umbrella Corp. with POC main clan. Respect to TUC and all it's members but these match ups are outrageous.
  18. Not enough no matches...

    No match better than mismatch.
  19. Can we go back to test war this hurts a lot worse during season wars lol back to the drawing board devs im thinking something is broken did someone not turn on your computer that calc bfa bfe and cshow were we not missmatched and poc inc was we should have swapped spots... The Umbella Corp. Vs. POC please dont allow this in our history or take our ee away we have helped out every step of the way in test wars yet here we are again....