pots to use on eb's

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WHITE-LEOPARD, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Where do I find out what to use on smaller eb's like Despair,reckoning and origins.
  2. Wulf's EB guide. You can find it in the strategy section.
  3. What divine light said. Next time, please use MissB's question guide. It's there for a reason.
  4. *Dilly's Question thread

    Dont bother posting if all youre gonna say is "what someone else said". Just leave it out. Not necessary or helpful.
  5. I dont fint wulf guide...please help me...pm list
  6. Are u kiddin .... Forums/strategy/ (pvp) EB's Alert .... sth like this... looool
  7. Papito, using common sense you could easily find out, now please, start using your head... Not everything has to be explained to the last point for you.
