Pot's Selling Cost (Per 1 Item)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SasoriScorpius, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Ok here's my second thread inspired by you guys :D

    Attack Pots Sell Value:
    Elixir of Rage 3,750
    Invisibility Potion 7,500
    Scroll of Death 18,750
    Seal of lightning 37,500
    Magical Dagger 75,000
    Mystical Sword 187,500
    Electric Sphere 375,000
    Rain of Fire 750,000
    Book of the Dead 1,875,000
    Holy Wrath 5,625,000
    Locust Swarm 6,375,000
    Summon Undead 9,000,000
    Blizzard 11,250,000
    Mystical Hammer 16,875,000

    Defensive Item Sell Value:
    Elixir of Vitality 937
    Potion of Sight 1,875
    Scroll of Healing 4,687
    Seal of Deflection 9,375
    Magical Shield 18,750
    Healing Aura 46,875
    Elven Shield 93,750
    Magical Wall 187,500
    Chalice of Life 937,500
    Staff of Ages 2,812,500
    Basilisk Venom 3,000,000
    Seal of Divinity 4,500,000
    Black Death 5,062,500

    Spy Attack
    Sleeping Potion 3,750
    Scroll of Blindness 15,000
    Bribery Gem 45,000
    Bribery Diamond 112,500
    Ring of Shadows 300,000
    Cloak of Invisibility 750,000
    Cloak of Shadows 1,875,000
    Book of Shadows 5,625,000
    Mind Scream 7,500,000
    Summon Darkness 9,000,000
    Spell of Amnesia 13,500,000
    Amulet of Truth 18,750,000

    Spy Defence
    Mist of Confusion 937
    Scroll of Mage's eye 3,750
    Warning Amulet 11,250
    Runes of Deflection 28,125
    Ring of Vision 75,000
    Canary 187,500
    Orb of Illumination 937,500
    Angels of Light 2,812,500
    Ice Paralysis 3,750,000
    Staff of Clarity 4,500,000
    All-Seeing Eye 5,625,000

    Bronze Bar 22,500,000