Well, This Is My Guide To Items (Potions, not sure what to call them) I will include: The Name, The Buying Price, and The Selling Price, and their Bonus to each area. ATTACK: Name.........Price........Sellback....Stats added... Elixir Of Rage: 5,000 ; 3,750 (adds 15,000 atk) Invisibility Potion: 10,000 ; 7,500 (30,000) Scroll Of Death: 25,000 ; 18,750 (75,000) Seal Of Lightning: 50,000 ; 37,500 (180,000) Magical Dagger: 100,000 ; 75,000 (300,000) Mystical Sword: 250,000 ; 187,500 (700,000) Electric Sphere: 500,000 ; 375,000 (1,300,000) Rain Of Fire: 1,000,000 ; 750,000 (2,700,000) Book Of The Dead: 2,500,000 ; 1,875,000 (7,000,000) Holy Wrath: 7,500,000 ; 5,625,000 (23,000,000) Locust Swarm: 8,500,000 ; 6,375,000 (25,000,000) Summon Undead: 12,000,000 ; 9,000,000 (39,700,000) Blizzard: 15,000,000 ; 11,250,000 (45,000,000) Mystical Hammer: 22,500,000 ; 16,875,000 (60,000,000) DEFENSE: Elixir Of Vitality: 1,250 ; 937 (15,000) Potion Of Sight: 2,500 ; 1,875 (30,000) Scroll Of Healing: 6,250 ; 4,687 (75,000) Seal Of Deflection: 12,500 ; 9,375 (180,000) Magical Shield: 25,000 ; 18,750 (300,000) Healing Aura: 62,500 ; 46,875 (700,000) Eleven Shield: 125,000 ; 93,750 (1,300,000) Magic Wall: 250,000 ; 187,500 (2,700,000) Chalice of Life: 1,250,000 ; 937,500 (7,000,000) Staff Of Ages: 3,750,000 ; 2,812,500 (23,000,000) Basilisk Venom: 4,000,000 ; 3,000,000 (25,000,000) Seal Of Divinty: 6,000,000 ; 4,500,000 (39,700,000) Black Death: 6,750,000 ; 5,062,500 (45,000,000) SPY ATTACK: Sleeping Potion: 5,000 ; 3,750 (7,500) Scroll Of Blindness: 20,000 ; 15,000 (32,500) Bribery Gem: 60,000 ; 45,000 (100,000) Bribery Diamond: 150,000 ; 112,500 (300,000) Ring Of Shadows: 400,000 ; 300,000 (900,000) Cloak Of Invisibility: 1,000,000 ; 750,000 (2,000,000) Cloak Of Shadows: 2,500,000 ; 1,875,000 (7,000,000) Book Of Shadows: 7,500,000 ; 5,625,000 (15,000,000) Mind Scream: 10,000,000 ; 7,500,000 (20,000,000) Summon Darkness: 12,000,000 ; 9,000,000 (30,000,000) Spell Of Amnesia: 18,000,000 ; 13,500,000 (35,000,000) Amulet Of Truth: 25,000,000 ; 18,750,000 (50,000,000) SPY DEFENSE: Mist Of Confusion: 1,250 ; 937 (7,500) Scroll Of The Mage's Eye: 5,000 ; 3,750 (32,500) Warning Amulet: 15,000 ; 11,250 (100,000) Runes Of Detection: 37,500 ; 28,125 (300,000) Ring Of Vision: 100,000 ; 75,000 (900,000) Canary: 250,000 ; 187,500 (2,000,000) Orb Of Illumination: 1,250,000 ; 937,500 (7,000,000) Angels Of Light: 3,750,000 ; 2,812,500 (15,000,000) Ice Paralysis: 5,000,000 ; 3,750,000 (20,000,000) Staff Of Clarity: 6,000,000 ; 4,500,000 (30,000,000) All-Seeing Eye: 7,500,000 ; 5,625,000 (35,000,000) OTHER: Bronze Bar: 30,000,000 ; 22,500,000 (No stat bonuses) TIP: When Potions / Items sell, you make back 75% of the gold you spent on each. Thanks and please post comments -Kronic King
Might be advisable, if you want this stickied, to total the prices for each category of pots, and then maybe also do some multipliers for them, like say, how much for 100, 250, 1000, 5000 of each of the pots in a category?
Put in microsoft excel or something and copy/paste it. I believe you can make a table in microsoft word as well an just copy/paste it. Either that or put a space in between each item so colors are not touching.