Post your rewards from elrengoth chest here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. To all willing to open this chest, feel free to post your rewards here.

    Chests opened (posted below): 95
    Equipment dropped: 10 (Dagger x5, root claws x5)
    Seals dropped: 17

    Here is the complete list of rewards from ATAGrant:
    EDIT: I am no longer updating this post. Feel free to continue posting rewards here though.
  2. Thank you dylan! Good to know it drops seeds it doesnt say that in the description.

    If a lot of people post here Ill start editing rewards into the people can have an Idea..
  3. On the "Preview" tab of the events section it gives a list of "minimum rewards":

    5 Health Crystals
    1 Dagger of Elrengoth ( Attack: 50735200 Defense: 74926700 Spy Attack: 31462300 Spy Defense: 51173400 )
    35 Aevum Circle Piece
    6 Seed of Samhain
    1 Druidic Rootclaws ( Attack: 9804600 Defense: 16282700 Spy Attack: 6247300 Spy Defense: 12209400 )
    1 Seal of the Damned

    I would assume by minimum, it means you get only 1 of the above, and that quantity listed (for non-equip items) is the minimum.

    For the record, I've opened one and gotten 9 seeds, which is what leads me to that conclusion.
  4. I opened one for a 12 seed reward, Id agree that the minimums are given but it'd be nice to find out upper bounds
  5. Thanks I didnt see that...I guess that makes this post a tad redundant. Still wouldnt mind getting an idea of how many are getting the equip or even a seal so Ill just update those into OP.

    And, I just opened one and got 5 xtals.
  6. I received a SoD from the chest I opened.
  7. A piece of chewed up gum.

  8. Thanks :) so 1 seal. Im thinking of adding xtals to OP as well and if enough people post here I might just record all drops..
  9. Here is a list of all possible drops from Elrengoth's Coffer;

    Seed of Samhain: 6-20
    Aevum Circle Piece: 35-50
    Seal of the Damned: 1
    Health Crystal: 5-10
    Druidic Rootclaws
    Dagger of Elrengoth
  10. Thanks Gregory. Nice to see this. About to faint from surprise response.
    *Edit- I'm still not spending 25 Nobs to open any.

  11. Thanks for the info!
  12. I got a seal as well when opening the chest!
  13. Got a seal here
  14. Thanks. Updated OP and feel free to post anything else you get. The more people post here the better idea we can get of how often equip might drop.. Unless developers can give that information as well.